chapter 36

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Tom awoke with the same burning feeling stinging his chest as he did the day he woke after the siren incident.

The room was a a awful shade of light. The sky outside was grey with over cast clouds casting a dull shadow into the room.

He opened his eyes and breathed deeply trying to dissolve some of the pain, his hand reached beside him his fingertips searching for the comfort of Auroras warm skin but he was supprised when he found they only brushed against the scratchy cold sheets.

He sat up looking down at the empty bed beside him. His eyes trailed down to his abdomen, cringing at the raging red tear marks scratched into his pale skin.

his head turned around the room then landed on the figure huddled up in the corner of the window.

Her back was pressed to the stone wall of the window sill hugging her bare pale legs tightly to her chest. Her head was leaning back so her raven hair flowed down her shoulders contrasting against the pale blue pyjamas thats sleeves where stained with his blood. Her cheeks where slightly roughed from the open window and the brisk morning air, they where glimmering ever so slightly with the shadow of tears from earlier that matched her dark wet eyelashes and shining verdant eyes staring out into the town below.

She didnt look sad yet she didnt look happy. She just looked emotionless.

She must have sensed that he was staring at her becuase she began to speak.

  "Do you know what Tom means?" She asked. Her voice lacked any kind of emotion. Like a heart monitored that had flat lined, the same steady beep that never changed.

He sensed she wasnt really looking for an answer.

"In modern Hebrew it means innocence. Its a rather dark irony isnt it?" She drawled tilting her head to the side to look him in the eyes.

Tom's words never left the safety of his throat he just stared at her his lips parted.

Her face suddenly switched and grew solemn, like a chainsaw that had just been switched on. It was harmless before hand but once the spark of electricity was ignited it was a weapon that was to be feared for it was so dangerous it could suck the life from you in the most exciting way.

"I hate you" she seethed her words where so full of venom Tom couldnt help but flinch.

She stood up and he followed as she tried to walk to the door as tears where threatening to fall down her face again.

He grabbed her wrist making her turn back to him. "No you don't" he said but his voice sounded weak nearly fragile like he wasnt sure.

Auroras face looked like it could be made from stone, but she couldnt hide the intense wrath bubbling under it flowing through her eyes lighting them up with sparks of anger.

"Oh but I do Riddle. I hate you so fucking much" she whispered her voice dripping with that poison he was addicted to.

She snatched her wrist back and tried to keep walking. She was walking away. She couldnt walk away. He needed her. He'd crumble without her.

"Aurora you don't hate me!" He yelled at her.

Her head whipped round "Yes I fucking do! I want to see you crying in agony curled up on the floor like I did the first time this happened!" She screamed.

She began taking threatening steps towards him and he backed up surprisingly his eyes wider.

"Do you have ANY idea how much pain you've caused me? Did you ever even once stop and think about the shit you put me through? I LOVED YOU TOM! I loved you so fucking much I was ready to walk over all of my morals just to see you smile! Just so I could take away a little bit of your pain!" She screeched.

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