Chapter 63

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Its was 4.26am.

Exactly 8 hours since they had taken Tom.

The house had bestowed a ugly silence around it ever since that made Aurora feel suffocated. No matter what she did, opening windows, turn on the record player, talk out loud nothing could shake the wait of the quietness.

And so she lay awake alone in their bed staring up at the stitching on the canopy. The sun and the moon stitches stared down at her, they seemed to glare making her feel sick with guilt.

She turned on her side her hand falling to her stomach, a sign of comfort. It didnt matter how lonely she felt because she was never alone.

And she would never be alone again.

Her thoughts slowly delved into pregnancy anxiety. Now that Tom wasnt here Aurora had nothing to discard her from her darker thoughts, nothing to block out the unanswered questions.

Aurora had never really planned to be a mother so soon, she always thought she'd travel the world then settle down with someone when she was 35 or 36.

Not 20.

And she was scared. She never had a mother growing up, sure she had Caterina but her and her aunts bond was something more on the lines of unlikely friends than a mother daughter relationship.

She had no idea how to raise a baby or what to do or how to do it. She didnt know what to do when giving birth she didnt know how to breast feed. She was completely in the dark.

How could she take care of a child when she could barely take care of herself?

She couldnt be careless, or reckless or try anything drastic with a child though that never stopped her before while he grew in her stomach.

The nervousness began to over take her and she found her self feeling even more nauseated. So she tried to think of something nicer. Something that would chase the sickness away.

A hopeful part of her began to wonder if the hospital would heal Tom.

Originally sending Tom away was to stall his plans giving Aurora time to destroy them and beat his horrifying dreams to a pulp. But the doctor had seemed certain that he would be able to help Tom and give him the proffessional help her needs.

Now Aurora was not stupid, she knew Tom and she knew how stubborn he could be. There was no way in hell he would ever participate in the treatments willingly.

But she had hope still, Tom may have been stubborn but he was also clever maybe, maybe he could see that he really was delusional and ill, and he'd want to get rid of it.

And he would return home in 3 months time and be cured of his vile outlook on the world and his wickedness. And he'd come back to her the boy she had met when she was 15.

The brilliant boy who was top of his class and babbled about cows when he was drunk and secretly liked when she forced him to hold her hand in public, and was scared of frogs but would never admit it, and drew beautiful sketches, and was determined to prove to the world that no matter where he came from he would make something of himself, something fantastic.

The boy who desired her more than his undying quench for power.

She wondered what Tom would be like as a father. It was very challenging to picture Tom as a father he never possessed any sort of qualities a father is supposed to have.

Well, actually neither of them knew what kind of qualities a father is supposed to have.

So Aurora made assumptions, fun but also stern but not in a way that upsets a child, firm but fair, kind and caring and provides love and is trustworthy for a child to rely on.

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