agent morningstar

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Lucy was in the bar downstairs pouring herself a glass of whiskey when the elevator doors opened and revealed the director himself. "Ah Director what brings you here?" Lucy asked as she placed her glass on top of her piano.

"Mrs Morningstar I need a favor" Nick said. "Ah I'm pretty good at favors to what do I owe my assistance?" Lucy asked. "I sent my team on a mission eight days ago" Nick said handing her a file. "And this mission was?" Lucy asked opening it. "Take down a Hydra base in Switzerland" Nick said.

"And how does this require my help?" Lucy asked. "You know Sergeant Barnes?" Nick asked. "I swear if something happened" Lucy said. "No nothing happened he got some news after Captain Rogers left and its come to my attention that he hasnt left his room" Nick said. "And I'm guessing you want me to try and get him on his feet?" Lucy asked.

"Yes Agent Morningstar" Nick said. "Agent?" Lucy asked confused. Nick handed her a badge. "Welcome to SHIELD" Nick said leaving. "Thanks?" Lucy said placing the badge on the piano. She continued drinking her drink then decided to head to the tower. She put her badge in her blazer pocket then flew to the tower. She landed on the top of the building then took the elevator to the penthouse.

She walked inside seeing no one in the kitchen and walked down the hallway. She checked each room since she had no idea what room Bucky was in. Then on one door the lock was locked. Confused she broke the lock by accident and the door opened. She saw bucky laying on the bed crying. She closed Feb door and went to his side.

"Now why are you in your room locked?" Lucy asked bending down. "It's nothing lucy" Bucky said turning to the other side of the bed. "Darling I know your lying I'm the devil" Lucy said standing up and walking to clean up the room. "How did you even get inside anyways?" Bucky asked changing the subject. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"I accidentally broke the lock on the door but that's not what's important why are you crying? And dont make me get it out of you" Lucy said putting all the clothes into a hamper. "Go to the restroom you will see it there" Bucky said. Lucy frowned her eyebrows then picked up the basket. She went to the restroom and saw four sticks on the counter.

She placed the basket on top of the counter and picked up the four sticks. All of them read positive. She then walked out of the restroom. "What's this?" Lucy asked looking at the sticks confused. Bucky turned over. "You have no idea what it is?" Bucky asked surprised. "I have been alive before christ and in hell for many years" Lucy said.

"Its a pregnancy test" bucky said. "Oh your with child?" Lucy asked. "Yeah I'm" Bucky said. "This is wonderful news!" Lucy exclaimed. "Yeah for you maybe" Bucky said. "Why arent you happy? I would do anything to get pregnant" Lucy asked. "What do you mean anything?" Bucky asked. "Oh I cant get pregnant as much as i try" Lucy said.

She went back into the restroom and placed the tests back on the counter. She then picked up the basket and left the restroom. "I'm sorry" Bucky said. "It's alright when I first found out I grieved. That was eleven thousand years ago" Lucy said. She left the room to the laundry room then started washing. She was on her knees putting clothes inside the washer when she sensed someones presence.

"Can I help you?" Lucy asked turning and seeing the man by the doorway with a baseball bat. "Yeah how did you get inside?" The man asked. "The roof just took the elevator" lucy said. "Who are you?" The man asked. Lucy then stood up and turned on the washer. "someone gave me a plastic thing hold on" Lucy said taking her badge out.

"Your a SHIELD agent?" The man asked. "Yeah oh names Lucy Morningstar" Lucy said. "Bruce Banner mind I ask why your doing laundry here?" Bruce asked. "This isn't my load its Buckys" Lucy said. "Oh you know Sergeant Barnes?" Bruce asked. "Were uh friends I believe" Lucy said. "You got him out of his room?" Bruce asked surprised. "Not quite" Lucy said.

"So you know Fury then?" Bruce asked. "Well I've done him a couple favors" Lucy said. "Favors? He doesn't seem like the type to ask" Bruce said. They walked out of the laundry room and down the hallway. "You'll be surprised" Lucy said. Then soon made it to the kitchen and Lucy went to find the alcohol.

"So do you have any powers?" Bruce asked. Lucy turned around from where she was inside the cabinet. "I'm the devil darling" Lucy said. "Is that a metaphor?" Bruce asked. "Nope I'm the devil" Lucy said. "Prove it" Bruce said. Lucy rolled her eyes and a flame appeared on her hand. She started to play around with it. "Are regular humans like yourself able to play with fire?" Lucy asked as she saw his shocked expression.

"How?" Bruce asked. "I've been living in hell all life" Lucy said. "Are you the actual devil?" Bruce asked. "Yes I'm the actual devil" Lucy said leaning against the counter. "Wait show me again" bruce said. Lucy made a flame appear and played with it. The elevators door opened and the team came. They saw Lucy and Bruce in the kitchen.

"Woah, woah girlfriend?" Clint asked. "Bruce! Nice going!" Tony said. "Huh?" Bruce asked confused. "Hot girlfriend" Tony said. "Oh she's not my girlfriend" Bruce said. "Oh really?" Tony asked eyeing her. "You know theres a special place in hell for guys like you" Lucy said. "Oo scary" tony said. "You should listen to her" Nick said from behind Natasha.

"And why's that?" Tony asked. "She's the devil" Nick said. Clint and Tony laughed which made Lucy smirk. "Show them" Steve said. Lucy looked at both of them making her eyes glow red. Both of there eyes widened. "I PRAY FOR MY SINS" both boys yelled making everyone laugh. "Why does everyone beg when i reveal myself? It's so boring" Lucy said drinking her glass of whiskey.

"Um cuz your the devil? queen of darkness, ruler of hell" Natasha said. "huh sounds about right" Lucy said. "Where's bucky?" Steve asked. "Oh um in his room" Lucy said. "Thanks lucy" Steve said leaving. "Yeah I'm not gonna be here for that show" lucy said leaving the kitchen. "What show?" Clint asked. "Three.. Two.. One" Lucy said.

"WHAT!?" steve exclaimed excitedly. The elevator doors closed after nick walked in. "You knew?" Lucy asked. "Yeah I did" nick said. "and why call me? I have no idea how to take care of little humans" Lucy said. Nick laughed. "Me neither" Nick said.

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