she's here

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The day finally came when Natasha gave birth. Lucy was at SHIELD when Natasha called that her water broke. Lucy ran outside and her wings came out. She flew all the way home and carried Natasha bridal style to the hospital. Natasha was not too happy about the flying thing since she was in labor but enjoyed it since Lucy hadn't taken her to go flying. When they arrived they put Natasha in a room and checked if she was ready.

She was only five centimeters dilated. So during contractions instead of holding Lucy's hand she held buckys metal arm since Lucy didn't want her to break her hand. Natasha literally almost slapped her but she knew she was probably capable of breaking her hand. Lucy had set up a table in the room where Steve, Bucky, Tony, Stephen, Amenadiel, and Mazikeen were playing Loteria.

"Remember the last time we were playing loteria?" Natasha asked. "Yup buckaroo here was giving birth" Lucy said. Bucky rolled his eyes. "Ain't that the truth" Tony mumbled in Italian. "Shut up" Lucy responded back in Italian. "You speak Italian?" Tony asked shocked. "Yup every language known. And I have some major blackmail for you" Lucy said in a smirk. "And what would that be?" Stephen asked. "Him moaning in Italian" Lucy said. Everyone laughed as Tony blushed. "You need to teach me so I can understand him" Stephen said. "No!" Tony yelled.

"Tell me when and I will" Lucy said. "AHHH" Natasha yelled. Bucky came and held her hand. "Breath Natasha" Bucky said. "FUCK YOU LUCY FOR GETTING ME PREGNANT!" Natasha exclaimed. "Your welcome honey" Lucy said. The doctor came in and motioned everyone out. He didnt even make a comment on the alcohol. He actually took a shot himself. Lucy started playing Marvin Gayne, Let's Get It On and got kicked out of the room by a angry assassin.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Tony asked. "I got kicked out" Lucy said sitting next to Bucky. "Why?" Sam asked. "I started playing Marvin Gayne, Let's Get It On and Natasha's eyes looked like steak knifes were coming out" Lucy said. Sam high fived her as Tony burst out laughing. Steve rolled his eyes and went to the room to help Natasha. After a couple minutes he returned and got Lucy. "She's here!" Lucy exclaimed going to Natasha's side. "I'm still mad at you" Natasha mumbled giving her their daughter.

"It was funny" lucy said. "Yeah it was" Natasha admitted. "Are we going with the name I picked" Lucy asked. "Well technically I picked it you picked the middle name" Natasha said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Steve can you get Bucky please?" Lucy asked. He nodded and left. A couple minutes later he came back with Bucky. "She's gorgeous! What's her name?" Bucky asked as he held her. Lucy smirked. "Julia Buchanan" Lucy said.

"You did not!" Bucky said. "Fuck yeah I did" Lucy said. "No cursing around my daughter!" Natasha said. "Technically you were cursing in russian while giving birth to her" Steve recalled. "Ha! I did the same thing" Bucky said. They all laughed and the others got to meet Julia. A couple days later they got to go home and for the next 18 years they raised her and her brother, Sebastian Grant.


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