i'm sorry

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two years ago today, lucy disappeared. natasha was devastated she had proposed to her the day before and she said yes. they were gonna get married. Scarlett missed her Aunt Lucy. Hell even Bucky missed her. Amenadiel told them he would try to find her. He did but he had stayed to help her.

You see the demons in hell all got loose so Lucy had to rush to hell. she left during the night planning to come during the day but that didn't go as planned. there were too many for her, mazikeen and amenadiel to handle so they had called for backup. it took them years to get them back into there cells. and when they were done, they were all tired.

Lucy had taken a nap before she went to earth. But on the way a demon, the last one was walking downtown. Lucy brought her wings out and flew down then picked up the demon. She went to a open field. She dropped the demon and landed in front of him. "What did I say about disobeying my orders" Lucy said in her queen voice. "N-not too" The demon said. "And why did you?" Lucy asked.

"B-because the other were" the demon said. "And you thought you could go and run with them?" Lucy said. "I-I'm sorry my queen" The demon said. Lucy snapped her fingers and he was back in hell. "Sorry my ass" Lucy said. "That's all of them" Amenadiel said walking to her. "thank goodness" lucy said. "I think you should go with Natasha, I'll handle hell for a while" Amenadiel said. "Thank you brother" lucy said. They hugged then Lucy flew to her cabin.

She landed in the front yard and saw Natasha with the Rogers Barnes family out front. She put her wings back and leaned against a tree. She saw little scarlett and chris run around. Steve had a full beard and Bucky cut his hair like back in the forties. Natasha had longer hair now. Lucy smirked as they started walking inside.

"HEY! ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?" lucy exclaimed. "AUNTIE LUCY!" Scarlett exclaimed as she ran towards her. She knocked Lucy down on the ground with a hug as Lucy laughed. "Hi trouble" Lucy said. Chris then joined the hug. "Lucy? Is that really you?" Bucky asked. "No I'm just a figment of your imagination" Lucy said as she got up only to be hugged by both steve and bucky.

Then Natasha came and slapped her. "Ow" Lucy said. "Where have you been?" Natasha asked. "I had some trouble down in hell" Lucy said. "And you didnt tell me?" Natasha said. "I was planning on coming home in the morning but turns out i didnt" Lucy said. "What kind of trouble?" Steve asked. "All the demons got loose" Lucy said. "All?" Bucky asked. "All million of them" Lucy said.

"How?" Natasha asked. "I dont know but they were planning on coming to earth and i couldnt let that happen" Lucy said. "Are they locked up?" Bucky asked. "Yes they are" Lucy said. "Auntie Lucy! I like your crown" Scarlett said. Lucy looked at her confused. "My crown?" Lucy asked. "The one on your head silly" Scarlett said. Lucy raised her hand up to her head and sure enough her crown was still on.

"Oh this bloody thing i think you should wear it" Lucy said taking it off then placing it on her head. It went to the side and Scarlett laughed. "It's too big" Scarlett said. "No its not" Lucy said. She motioned for her to bend down and she placed it on her head. "Much better" Scarlett said. "the teams gonna be happy to see you" Steve said. "Especially tony he freaked when you disappeared" Natasha said.

Lucy smirked. "Hmm" Lucy said. The six went to the tower and Lucy snuck inside. She went down to the lab and Tony wasnt there. So she sat on his desk and played with her fire. The door opened to reveal Tony and Bruce. They didn't notice her until they smelled smoke. "Did we leave the coffee machine on?" Bruce asked. "Oh sorry boys that was me" lucy said as she made the fire disappear.

Tony and Bruce's eyes widened as Tony came and hugged her. "Jesus Satan where have you been?" Tony said. "In hell" Lucy said as they let go. "Nice too see you again Lucy" Bruce said. "You too Bruce" Lucy said. "You have explaining to do missy" tony said as they laughed. Then Lucy headed up to the penthouse and remembered to give Steve and Bucky there letters. "Steve? Bucky? Can I talk to you two for a second?" Lucy asked.

"Sure whats up?" Steve said as they went inside the kitchen. "These are for you" Lucy said as she handed then each envelopes. "What's this?" Bucky asked. "Open them" Lucy said. They did and started to read the letter. When they were done they both hugged Lucy. "How?" Bucky asked. "I had to go to heaven and call me siblings. Then I had to go back to the twenties to find one of my siblings and ran into them. they had asked me to find you two and give them to you" Lucy said.

"How are they?" Steve asked. "Why dont you ask them yourselves" Lucy said as two women turned the corner. Sarah Rogers and Winnifred Barnes both looked at there children. "I told you, you would grow" sarah said as she hugged Steve. He had tears coming down his eyes. "Still the handsome boy I once knew" Winnifred said as bucky embraced her in a hug. Lucy left them and took someone down to the labs. "I'm nervous" Maria said.

"Dont be, Tony always talked about you" Lucy said. "What's today?" Maria said. Lucy smiled. "Mothers Day" Lucy said. They went into the lab and saw Tony working on his suit. "Just like your father" Maria said as tony fell over. He looked up in confusion then saw Maria. "Mom?" Tony asked. "Hello Tony" Maria said. He got up then hugged her. "Mission accomplished" Lucy said as she left to where she left Bucky and Steve.

"Auntie Lucy! My grandmas are here!" Scarlett said. "Really?" Lucy said as bent down to her level. "Yes! Come!" Scarlett said as she took her hand. They went to the living room and saw Sarah and Steve on the sofa, Bucky and Winnifred on the other one. "Grandma! Grandma! Meet my Auntie Lucy!" Scarlett said. Both ladies looked up and chuckled. "We already met her dear" Sarah said.

"Imma go show you my drawing!" Scarlett exclaimed as she left. "You know dear even though your the devil you have a good heart" Sarah said. Lucy chuckled. "Thank You, Mrs Rogers" Lucy said. "Oh dear are you married?" Winnifred asked ad she saw her ring. "Um" Lucy said as she looked down. "My fiancee" Natasha said as she wrapped her arms around her.

"Congratulations!" Sarah said. "Thank you" Natasha said. "How did you find our boys?" Sarah asked. "Well I had met Bucky first five years ago then steve after. But I've always kept an eye on these two trouble makers before I met them" Lucy said. "What do you mean?" Steve asked. "Well while I was in hell I wanted to know what life was up here so i used my magic and saw a little boy getting beat up in a alleyway" Lucy said.

"I've always wondered if Steve always liked alleyways since he was always in them" Winnifred said as they laughed. "And might I say I always wanted to come help but i knew i couldnt but that's when i sent bucky" Lucy said. "Sent?" Bucky asked. "I knew you had no friends and i knew Steve had no friends so I happened to place bucky near the alleyway" Lucy said.

"Sneaky girl" Natasha said. "So I guess I should say thank you for reuniting us to our sons" Sarah said. "About that I can bring you from heaven whenever but you can only stay on earth for three days" Lucy said. "Well let's make those days count" Steve said.

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