lucy be a good devil

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Lucy always spends her nights at her club drinking the night away even if she can't get drunk she still has a fun night. Sometimes ending up in a bed if you know what I mean.

But today was different. She was invited to a birthday party. But here's the thing she never had a birthday nor attended a birthday party. So when she got the invitation it was a shocker to her and her friend. It wasn't like a normal party it was the party to a Tony Stark. On her years on Earth she learned that Tony Stark was a superhero called Iron Man and was on a team called the Avengers.

So she decided to go. She wore a black dress that had long sleeves. It hugged all the right places and showed her butt alot. She brushed her hair, put on some makeup, and hoop earrings. She put on her black hi heels that had a red heel and drove off to Stark Tower in her black Chevrolet Corvette C1.

She parked her car in the parking lot and made her way inside. She walked into the elevator and pressed the button that the invitation said to press. The doors opened and revealed the party and the bright colors. She went to the bar and met a beautiful red head girl. And her name was Natasha Romanoff.

"Why hello there" Lucy said. "What can I get you?" Natasha asked. "A glass of whiskey with two ice cubes" Lucy said. "Coming right up" Natasha said. She served her a glass and handed it to her. "Thank you" Lucy said then raised her glass to Natasha and left. She made her way to where her friend, Mazikeen was. She came before Lucy arrived.

"Why is it so bright in here" Mazikeen whined. "I don't know ask the person in charge" Lucy said sitting next to her. "Why couldn't we stay at home?" Mazikeen asked. "Because we need to get out more mazikeen" Lucy said. "I hate you" Mazikeen said. "I hate you more" Lucy said. Then lucy noticed someone. A Hydra agent.

"I will be right back" Lucy said placing her glass on the table. "And where are you going?" Mazikeen asked. "To do the devils job of course" Lucy said leaving and following the Agent quietly down the hall to the security room where they have all the computers at and cameras. He went to the computer and inserted a flash drive into the computer and started typing.

"May I ask you why you are in here?" Lucy asked sitting on a desk. "How did you get in here" the man said turning around and covering the screen. "Oh don't hide the screen darling I know what you are doing" Lucy said. "Get out or I will kill you" The man said. "Darling this is the last face your going to see before you die" lucy said.

"Go to hell" the man said. "Where do you think I came from?" Lucy said staring at the man and revealing her face then back to her normal face. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" The man begged he removed the flash drive and threw it at her. She looked at it as it fell then looked back at him.

"Why do you humans always beg? It's exhausting" Lucy said. She extended her arm out causing the man to lift up in the air. She was choking him and he was trying to breath. "Please!" The man said. "Your going through the gates of hell and to be punished the same way I'm punishing hitler" lucy said cracking his neck and let go of him. He fell on the floor dead.

She picked up the drive and placed it on the keyboard. "What are you doing in here?" A voice behind her asked. She turned around and smirked. "Can't you see? I'm doing you a favor Director Fury" Lucy said. "And the favor includes killing a man?" Nick asked. "Oh not just only man a Agent of hydra" lucy said.

"Hydra? And how do I know your not hydra?" Nick asked. "Sweetie if I were Hydra why would I kill my own kind?" Lucy asked. "Then who are you?" Nick asked. "I have many names but the name I'm going through right now is Lucy Morningstar" Lucy said. "Ok Mrs Morningstar how did you exactly kill him? And why was he here" Nick asked.

"Oh darling he was here to steal information about your little secret boy band" Lucy said. "It's not a nevermind but you didn't answer my question" Nick said. "Oh the other one well I'm the devil" Lucy said. "Yeah and I'm god" nick said sarcastically. "God is my father I would know how he looks like and can humans do this?" Lucy asked as she made a flame appear on her hand.

"Are you really the devil?" Nick asked. Lucy showed her face to nick then it went back to normal. "Does that answer your question?" Lucy asked. "Yup never do that again" Nick said. Lucy laughed. "No promises and you now owe me a favor so, heres my number" Lucy said giving him a card then left. She went back to Mazikeen. "Please tell me no one is dead" Mazikeen said. "That might be a possibility so we have to go" Lucy said.

They both left and headed back home. They reopened the bar and had a party. Lucy went to her room and watched the view of New York. Then she went to her living room and watched a movie. "Amenadiel I know your here" Lucy said. He came out of the shadows. "You need to return to hell lucy" Amenadiel said. "I will go when I have the chance I already told you" Lucy said. "Just get your deeds done we need your help" Amenadiel said. "Alright brother" lucy said and he left.

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