this is your dysfunctional family

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Lucy and Amenadiel helped Bucky into the elevator and to the parking garage. Lucy got into the front seat as Amenadiel and Bucky sat in the back. Lucy drove as fast as she could to the hospital as she held buckys hand.

When they arrived Lucy made sure Bucky had a private room in the hospital. So they had a whole floor for privacy. The nurses hooked Bucky up on an iv and did some other stuff as Lucy and Amenadiel where in the waiting room. Lucy has been trying to get a hold of Steve but he wasnt answering.

"I'll stay here with Bucky you go find Steve" Amenadiel said. "Make sure you call me if anything and I mean anything" Lucy said. "Yes go!" Amenadiel said going to buckys room. Lucy left outside of the hospital and brought her wings out. She flew into the air and flew as fast as she could to Russia.

when she arrived after thirty minutes she found the base. She landed in front of the base door and headed inside. She then stopped when she realized she had her pajamas on. Even though she didnt care she didnt want to hear anyone make fun of her silk red pajamas Mazikeen got her. So she snapped her fingers and her suit nick made her come on.

She fixed her hair a bit then went inside to see everyone finishing up. She saw a Agent sneak behind Steve and was about to inject him with something when Lucy blasted him away with a flame. Everyone was confused on how the guy was on fire until they saw Lucy. "Lucy? What are you doing here?" Steve asked. "It's Bucky. It's time Steve" Lucy said.

Steve's eyes widened. "Where is he?" Steve asked. "Hospital in New York we gotta go now!" Lucy said taking his hand and running off. When they made it outside Lucy stopped running. "What are you waiting for?" Steve asked. Lucy's wings appeared and Steve's eyes went even wider. "Come on we don't have time" Lucy said picking up Steve from his armpits.

Steve shrieked in surprise put relaxed when he saw the view of the city. In thirty minutes tops Lucy and Steve arrived at the hospital. They ran inside and went to the private floor. They went to buckys room and saw Amenadiel holding his hand as Bucky grunted in pain.

"Bucky!" Steve exclaimed taking Amenadiels spot. "Steve?" Bucky asked. "I'm here" Steve said. Lucy and Amenadiel left to give them privacy. "Since when did you have that?" Amenadiel asked. "Oh fury gave it to me" Lucy said. "Who?" Amenadiel asked. "A friend" Lucy said. They sat down and soon Mazikeen walked inside.

"How is he?" Mazikeen asked as she sat next to Lucy. "He's fine. Steve is with him" lucy said. "Oh I brought coffee" Mazikeen said handing them cups. "Thanks Maze" Lucy said. An hour later the team showed up and saw the three playing poker around the coffee table. "Anyone got a five?" Lucy asked. "Nope" Mazikeen said. Amenadiel grunted and placed a five in the pile.

"What the heck are y'all doing?" Natasha asked. "It's called waiting" Lucy said. "Who's this?" Tony asked. "This is my demon, Mazikeen" Lucy said. "Sup" Mazikeen said placing a ten in the pile. "How's bucky?" Bruce asked. "Um I dont know haven't seen him in what an hour?" Lucy said. "So you three have been playing poker for an hour?" Clint asked.

"Yeah and Amenadiel is losing terribly" Mazikeen teased as she poured him another shot of tequila. "This feels illegal" tony said sitting behind Lucy. "It probably is" Lucy said as Amenadiel took another shot. "Wait are you even allowed to drink in a hospital?" Natasha asked. "Probably not but I've done it before" Lucy said.

"Not surprising" Natasha said. Then steve come out from around the corner and rolled his eyes at the scene. "Are you seriously playing poker and drinking alcohol?" Steve asked. "Hey you said do something to pass the time we are doing something" Lucy said. "This is not what I meant" Steve said. "Hows bucky?" Sam asked. "He's resting" Steve said.

"Check" Mazikeen said. "Call" Lucy said. "Bet" Amenadiel said. Mazikeen and Amenadiel grunted and pushed all the tokens towards Lucy. Lucy poured them shots and they drank them. "My money's on lucy" Tony said. "Mines on Mazikeen" clint said. "Amenadiel" Sam said. "Prepare to lose fal-cant" Lucy said. Round after round Amenadiel lost terribly. And at the end, Lucy won.

"Cant we play something else?" Amenadiel whined. "Ok ok" Mazikeen said. Lucy snapped her fingers and the poker turned into loteria. Cards appeared in the middle of the table and a bucket of beers tops next to it. "Oh your on" Mazikeen said smirking. Lucy shuffled the cards the turned them upside down.

"La Rosa" Lucy said. Amenadiel and Mazikeen placed a beer top on the picture of the rose. "What game is this?" Bruce asked. "Loteria. La Garza" Lucy said. "So basically mexican bingo?" Tony said. "Yeah but we win cash not prizes" Lucy said. Soon everyone sat around the table with cards. Round after Round different people won.

Then Steve came in ten minutes later with a baby girl and baby boy in his arms. He shook his head at the scene. "BUENAS!" Lucy exclaimed as everyone grunted and handed her the money. "Now Scarlett, Chris this is your dysfunctional family" Steve said. Lucy's head went up when she heard that and her eyes widen. She silently stood up and went over.

Steve handed her Scarlett and then Chris. "hi baby girl, baby boy i'm your I think devilmother" Lucy said. "your her devilmother and Natasha is his" Steve said as she looked at him. "What's there names?" Lucy asked. "Christopher Robert and Scarlett Lucy" Steve said. Lucy's eyes widen. "W-what?!" Lucy said. "It was buckys idea" Steve said. Then everyone finally noticed that Lucy wasnt there.

"Hey wheres lucy?" Tony asked. "Wait a dam minute TWO!?" Lucy exclaimed as she finally realized she was holding two babys. Everyone looked up and saw her holding not one but two babies. "Steve!? Twins?!" Natasha exclaimed as Lucy handed her Chris. "Woah wait what?!" Tony said. "Meet Christopher Robert and Scarlett Lucy" Steve said.

After everyone said there hellos, Lucy helped Steve take Chris and Scarlett back to Bucky. When they entered his room, they saw him reading. When he noticed them he closed his book as Steve gave him Chris. "There beautiful bucky" lucy said as she sat in a chair next to his bed. "They are arent they?" Bucky said.

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