let me show you

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She asked me if I do this every day, I said often

Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often

Bitches down to do it either way, often

Baby I can make that pussy rain, often

Often, often, girl I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it

Often, often, girl I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it



They kissed then Lucy layed Natasha on the bed. Lucy kisses her on her lips and advanced to down on her shoulder. Lucy sucks gently on the spot in between her neck and shoulder. Natasha slowly takes off her shirt then shorts. Natasha throws her hi heels on the ground. Natasha takes off her shirt and pants. She unclaps her bra and reveals her breasts. She takes one nipple and she mouts and sucks it. She moans.

She takes another one and repeats the process. She kisses her down to her stomach then slowly takes her panties off. She kisses her again then kisses her on her core. She starts to suck and she moans. Her hands fist on the bedsheets. She starts to suck roughly as she moans louder. She slides his tongue across her core and then inserts herself into her.

She moans even louder. Then she feels her juices flowing into her. She takes her mouth out and starts to rub her core with her fingers. She then inserts one finger in and she moans in pleasure. She inserts another making her moan louder. After a while natasha takes over. She lays on the bed as natasha is on top of her.

She licks the top of her core and then sucks it as she moans. She then licks her abs up to her neck. Then she whispers in her ear. "Call out my name baby girl" Natasha says. She then she sucks in between her neck and shoulder. She leaves hickeys all across her body making her moan her name. They go a few rounds until they fall asleep.

The next morning, lucy and natasha wake up in Lucy's cabin outside of New York. No one knew about her cabin. Yesterday Lucy thought her and Natasha needed a get away, so she dragged her into the forest and into the cabin. (above) they both cuddled in the bed as they watched a movie. Both girls were full naked and didn't care. Lucy snapped her fingers as breakfast was set on the nightstand.

Eggs, Toast, Pancakes, Bacon and Coffee Lucy and Natasha ate as Hangman played on the tv. After they ate Lucy snapped her fingers and the plates, utensils and mugs were gone and inside the sink. She put on her black rode and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Natasha shorting came wearing a white robe she found in Lucy's closet.

"This cabin is so beautiful" Natasha said. "Thank you" Lucy said. "But your more beautiful" Natasha said as she wrapped her arms around her. "Hmm I think you are" Lucy said. Natasha layed her head on her back as she finished washing dishes. Soon Lucy's phone rang. She made her phone float and land in her hands. She saw the caller ID and answered it. "Morningstar" Lucy said.

"Hey were are you and natasha?" Tony asked. "Um at Lux why?" Lucy lied. "Tonights the party at Stark Tower and Pepper invited both of you" Tony said. "What time?" Lucy asked. "Around eight" Tony said. "Gotcha see you" Lucy said hanging up. "Who was that?" Natasha asked. "Tony theres a party tonight at Stark Tower" Lucy said. "Do we have to go?" Natasha asked. "Well pepper invited us so yes" lucy said.

They spent the afternoon at the cabin then started getting ready for the party. Lucy did a natural look, and curled her hair just a bit. She then found a long red spaghetti strapped dress with a slit on the right side. She put it on then put on her black hi heels. Natasha wore a similar dress but black with black hi heels. She had her signature red lipstick on that Lucy loved.

Lucy and Natasha soon got into the car and drove into the woods. Soon after an hour they arrived at the tower. It was already eight thirty. They walked inside and went up to the party area as tony called it. When they walked inside they saw many people talking. Natasha went behind the bar and Lucy sat on a bar stool. Steve and Bucky approached them when they noticed they had arrived.

"Hey buck! steve! Where is my goddaughter?" Lucy asked. "She's with her babysitter, Starks kid" Steve said. "Stark has a kid?" Both Lucy and Natasha asked shocked. "Oh you guys didn't meet him earlier. His name is uh I forgot" Bucky said. "I'll check on the little ones later right now mama needs a drink" Lucy said. After two hours, Lucy snuck away and went up to Steve's and Buckys floor.

The elevator doors opened and she saw a teenage boy sitting on the sofa with Scarlett and Chris on his lap watching 'Special Agent Oso'. Lucy walked over and Scarlett noticed her. She made grabby hands in which confused peter but then he noticed Lucy. "Oh hello?" Peter asked confused. Lucy took Scarlett as she smiled at her. "Oh you must be the young stark" Lucy said.

"I'm Peter" Peter said. "I'm Lucy Morningstar" Lucy said. "Like the devil?" Peter asked. "For a teenager your smart" Lucy said as she sat on the other sofa. "So I've been told. Hows the party?" Peter asked. "Boring I'd rather be at my cabin with my girlfriend" Lucy said. "Girlfriend?" Peter asked. "Problem?" Lucy asked. "No I have a boyfriend myself" Peter said.

"Name?" Lucy asked. "Wade Wilson" Peter said. "As in deadpool wade wilson?" Lucy asked. "Yeah who's your girlfriend" Peter said. "Natasha Romanoff" Lucy said. "No way! For real!" Peter exclaimed. "That's right kid" Natasha said behind him. "H-Hi Mrs Widow ma'am" Peter said. "Please just call me Aunt Nat" Natasha said. "And call me Aunt Lucy" Lucy said.

"So how's my godson behaving" Natasha asked as she picked up Chris in which made in laugh. "They are behaving good except when they threw there food at me" Peter said. "I dont believe you" Lucy teased. "My shirt proves it" Peter said pointing to the orange stain on it. "And I think it's bed time" Natasha said. Both girls went to the twins nursery and layed them inside there cribs. They soon fell asleep.

They went back to the living room and saw Peter cuddling with a boy. "Ah you must be Wade" Lucy said as both boys turned around. "Y-Yes Ma'am" Wade said. "No calling me ma'am, call me and her aunt lucy and nat" Natasha said. "Aunts? I've never had aunts" Wade said. "Now you do. No dirty business and my room is down the hall from the nursery" Lucy said as they both walked back into the elevator. "Yes Aunt Lucy!" Wade exclaimed.

They went back to the party then left back to the cabin. Both girls stayed up watching movies then fell asleep on top of the sofa with the movie still playing in the background.

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