38. Outside the Vale

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Lukas let out a quiet sigh, catching Theodore's attention, who turned around just in time to see Lukas' shoulders flatten as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his back. During Raja's testing, Lukas had been tense and on edge, but that morning was different. Lukas's distress had been palpable, and it was the first time he had shown any real emotion. Theodore felt a wave of relief wash over him when he saw how much Lukas had relaxed. He had been worried about the type of reaction a distressed Lukas might have and the damage it might cause to his people.

Theodore had faith in Paulo's capability to safeguard Raja, but Lukas was more wary and less willing to trust Paulo's intentions. Although Lukas and Theodore were becoming closer friends, Lukas couldn't be sure of his judgment when it came to the two most important people in his life. However, Theodore didn't take offense to Lukas's mistrust, because Lukas's concern for Natalia and Raja demonstrated a greater degree of humanity than anything else he did. 

Both men turned back to the King, their expressions carefully neutral. Theodore's father always craved the spotlight and disliked being upstaged or ignored. Even this momentary distraction of Theodore's attention could have triggered a tirade. 

"Edward, are the mages prepared?" The King frowned at the Crown Prince, drawing Theodore's attention. Edward must have been preoccupied to have drawn their father's attention in the middle of one of his rants.

"Yes and no," Edward sat up straighter and looked at Lukas with a frown. "As your Mind Master has predicted, the Adepts do not want to work together under any leadership. They have agreed to sit in an assembly and bring their students back to the Kingdom from whatever travels they are on. But they do not agree to any one course of action."

"You were tasked with making them agree," The King fumed at his heir.

"Yes, and I have failed." Edward's character was defined by his willingness to own up to his shortcomings. Despite his tendency towards arrogance, he admitted his failures, allowing for course correction. If not for a fatal flaw, he could have been an exceptional king who would have avoided his father's mistakes and brought prosperity to his Kingdom. "But, the council of Adepts is a good first step, and it is better than letting the Councils into our lands."

Ah, and there was the arrogance. Theodore's brother believed that no form of magic could ever be equal to the Mage Schools, which had led to their current state. At first, Theodore hadn't given much thought to the matter when it had just involved the prohibition of Elemental Temple construction until Paulo warned him about the dangers of isolation. It was only when the King barred Masters, despite still being their allies, from living in the Kingdom or even visiting that Theodore realized the wisdom of his lover's words. Crown Prince Edward, who had just earned his designation as a Master Class Earth Mage, supported the ban with all his influence.

"And this is how your Kingdom will fall." Theodore had become accustomed to Lukas's audacious opinions to the point that they no longer shocked him. Lukas had been speaking his mind to the King and Heir ever since he joined their circle.

"How so?" The King's voice was calm, but his grip on the table tightened, and he didn't turn to Lukas as he spoke.

Theodore couldn't help but suppress a smile at his father's suppressed anger. Even the King knew better than to anger Lukas, especially after what he had done to the residents of Castle Miritis.

"You do not call on your allies, who are, by all report, an organized group of magic users. They have clear command layers that can bring an army of magicians that would obey a single man's orders. This is something your Adepts cannot do." Lukas silenced Edward's protest with a look and continued, "Would an Earth Master listen to an Air Adept? No, and for sure, a Fire Adept would not. Your system here is built on the independence of the schools. Where there are crossovers, there are new schools. Each school is independent, and they do not work well together. This has been the way it has been for generations. So when the Queen's priestesses follow their leader's command in unison, your Adepts will be hard-pressed to answer."

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