35. The Calm

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"Fire burns. When unleashed, it can destroy everything you know and love. Capable of destruction and creation in equal measure, it has the power to both harm and heal. When harnessed, it can purify substances, heal wounds, and provide warmth and comfort. But fire is also a fickle and unpredictable Force, capable of instantly transforming from a small and beautiful flame into a raging inferno. But most of all, Fire is life. It keeps us warm in the cold, cooks our meals, tempers our steel, and helps us create. Without Fire, you would not have this glass or the bricks that form that fountain. Fire can be all this, and its Elemental is just as multifaceted." Mara set her glass of water down and looked at Natalia, her brown eyes tinged with red from the smoldering Fire within her.

"Brother Fire is ready to meet you. Be prepared." Natalia lightly gripped Mara's hand as she held it out to her. "Even in the Mindspace, he can burn, but it is always safer to meet him there. Remember, I will be there even if you do not see me."

Natalia closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. As she entered the Mindspace, the world around her dissolved into nothingness. Natalia walked forward, her footsteps echoing in the void until she sensed the presence of her Master, Mara. As Mara predicted, Natalia could feel her energy but couldn't see her.

Natalia could make anything possible in the Mindspace, including making Mara more visible and changing her surroundings. However, she respected her Master's boundaries and wanted to preserve her own energy. Though some Mind Masters could choose not to create constructs in the space, others were not in control of their Mindspace. The weaker Mind Masters always re-created their most precious place or moment. Lukas had often made fun of how many bedrooms and hearths existed in the Mindspace when they were younger. When they were still very young, he instructed Natalia to clear the space and remove the clutter, which could be calming and reveal less about oneself to anyone who joined them. Now, she chose to keep it barren to avoid a conflagration when the elemental arrived. Natalia did not want to see her village burn down again.

Suddenly, the air around Natalia grew warm, and a glimmer appeared in the distance. The glow grew into an entity that emanated a soft, flickering light that obscured its features and movements, making it difficult to discern its true nature. Natalia watched with growing curiosity as the figure drew closer, its movements slow and graceful, as though it were gliding rather than walking.

Only when it came closer did Natalia realize why the figure remained so hidden in the dark of Mindspace. The man - for that is what the elemental chose to be - had skin as black as the space around him, yet it glowed dimly as he walked, making him visible in the darkness. Yet that same black skin glowed dimly as he walked, making him visible in the dark. The clothing covering his taut body flickered, creating movement like a campfire. Only in his stunning beauty did he bear any resemblance to his Brother Air. This was the Fire Elemental.

Heat radiated from Brother Fire, and Natalia basked in his warmth. Something about him calmed her and made her feel cozy and safe. Natalia knew it was an illusion; Fire often created an illusion of safety despite being harnessed chaos.

"It is good to see you again, sister," Fire said as he sat beside her on the ground, surprising her with his lyrical tenor voice. "You feel stronger."

"I am stronger," she confirmed.

"Good. Your strength is welcome to us." Natalia locked eyes with Fire and was momentarily entranced by his blazing orange gaze. He looked away with a smile but then casually took her hand and placed it beside his. Though his skin was warm, it did not burn her hand. The surprise of his touch caused Natalia's mind to struggle with how to respond, but the elemental continued speaking without her prompting. "We enjoy you. More than anyone we have known in generations, your presence calms us. We do not want to consume everything around us when you are near. We smoke and create warmth without the burn. It is good to enjoy the warmth without needing more."

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now