1. The Reunion

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Natalia peered through the slits in the carriage walls at the only visible sliver of the full moon that had escaped the heavy clouds. Even mostly covered, it illuminated the tower looming before her. The stone walls that flanked the building on both sides hid in the darkness, but she knew they stood protecting the inner city and castle.

The massive metal wagon rumbled over the cobbled road. Along with the quiet jangle of tack and armor, the horses that pulled it and those surrounding it produced the only other sounds. Their steel shoes clanged against the stone, and they released loud snorts of breath in protest as their owners enforced the slow walk through the widest of the city's narrow streets. The slowness of the lumbering carriage restrained everyone.

Unlike the last time the soldiers had brought her to Glav Miritis, no citizens were awake to cheer as they passed, hoping for the coin the Queen gave her soldiers for just that purpose. The lack of all the sounds Natalia associated with the busy city gave evidence of how late it must be. The small squad acted more like thieves than elite soldiers now.

Natalia rubbed her bald head and frowned at her thoughts. Its smooth surface reminded her of her purpose as it always did.. They were not thieves, the men she rode with, but they were no better. They stole through the night for a treasure that was not rightfully theirs. The Queen's Wainwrights built the wagon carrying her to contain the most famous prisoner in the Queendom. Natalia was only a tool to capture this prize, the means the Queen's servants cultivated for years. The soldiers who escorted her were just as eager as their horses to reach their goal.

No one sat on the lone metal bench with her. The interior was not luxurious, and the cold metal bit into her legs through the rough robes of her order. Natalia's isolation was a choice, one of the few they gave her. She could have ridden with Red on his horse in slightly more comfort, as she often did when they traveled, but she was glad for these last few moments of silence before meeting her fate.

A loud bang on the door told her they were nearing their destination. The carriage trundled to a stop, and the door opened silently on well-oiled hinges. The towering figure outside sneered at Natalia.

She was fascinated by the change in his appearance. Gone was the rough mountain man who had silently watched as his soldiers beat her into submission. Conal, the leader of this elite squad, wore a spotless dress uniform befitting a soldier close to the castle. His muscular frame pushed the fabric to its limits. He had trimmed his usually unkempt black beard, and his hair bound into a knot on top of his head no longer hid his cruel, intelligent eyes. With her help, Conal would finally stand before the Queen with the prize he had hunted for so long.

Conal's gloved hands reached for her, but she reflexively slid away. Conal would not stoop so low as to chase the lowly priestess he had dragged across the country. She was a pawn of the Queen, and he knew it. Conal shook his head and snarled, not stepping closer to the door.

"It is yer duty," Conal's gruff voice demanded, but his words meant nothing to her. Had she not had her plan, Natalia would have happily flustered the leader further. Instead, her lips formed a scowl in the dark. For a moment, she rebelled against her destiny.

Natalia was there because she could control Lukas, the prisoner they captured after a decade of failure. But she did not want to see Lukas again; she wanted anything but this. Panic welled in her stomach until she caught a glimpse of Red standing behind Conal, waiting for her in the same dress uniform. The contrast in his appearance was not as striking for her only ally. He had always been meticulous about his uniform and bushy black beard. Seeing his smirk made her feel better, despite the horrors ahead. Though he could not know what she planned, he would protect her until he could not any longer.

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now