9. Understanding

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Raja's mindspace was more comfortable than a stranger's mind should be. He was a potent receiver; his magic strengthened that of those who projected into his space. Lukas was already there, but his form was almost translucent. Natalia could feel the effort he expended to be visible at all.

With skills ingrained in her since childhood, Natalia pushed what power she had to spare through the men's bond and watched Lukas' shape solidify. Natalia suspected it was more Raja's strength than hers, but helping even a little thrilled her.

"You have not found the window yet?" Natalia asked. She knew the answer but did not know how to talk with someone who had left her behind. It was far too soon for him to have found the window. Natalia had hidden it deep in the fabric of her cage so that none of her Masters would find it. Yet, Natalia was sure the Lukas of her memory would never have needed help breaking one of her constructs. It was both chilling and exciting that her strength weakened him now.

"I will find it, but the pair bond provides a small opening for now." Lukas walked over to Raja and placed his hand on Raja's chest. A subtle change of the expression on Lukas's still-beautiful face suggested guilt as he glanced from her to his current mate. However, his smooth tone betrayed nothing.

Natalia took a moment to process the scene before her. Lukas stood half a head taller than his lover, but both men shared a lean muscular physique. Their touch was intimate, and a new flash of pain threatened to pierce her wounded heart. Natalia knew they were communicating without her hearing it. It was an unusual talent to partition the Mindspace and create privacy in the void. But so much of what Lukas could do was unique to him. The men gazed silently at each other for a minute, and just before Natalia's annoyance bubbled over, Lukas broke away to consider his former wife.

"I did not expect you," Lukas began. "How could I? You should be dead." He stepped towards her and stopped, likely feeling her wariness. "But I did expect someone or something that would hamper my abilities. We knew the Queen had not found another Keeper, but she was not without her resources. I hid my bond with Raja with care. Capture was always a possibility, and the bond was my surest way of escape." Pain flickered across his face, followed by anger. Natalia knew it must have been betrayal that had brought the mighty man so low. There would be no other way to capture him.

Lukas resumed his path towards Natalia, letting the silence of the Mindspace overwhelm them for a moment. The power of his ice-blue eyes met hers, weakening her legs and heart, forcing her to work hard to maintain her resolve. Afraid of what she might say, Natalia remained silent, and Lukas smiled knowingly before briefly looking back at Raja.

"But I do not need to call Raja to me, to risk him or others. You have reentered my life and provided me with another way out." He focused his attention back on Natalia and boldly grabbed her hand. His expression revealed joy as well as guilt. "You have left me a window in your cage. I will find it. Then I will find you!"

Lukas' brashness should have been frustrating. But Natalia was not angry, even as he stroked the back of her hand in a familiar pattern.

She knew his boast was the truth. Very likely, he would find the window weeks before she had anticipated. Relief relaxed the tension hidden between her shoulders, accompanied by a surprising feeling of chagrin. Had she hidden the window so thoroughly to allow for his punishment? The Queen had held her for so many years because of him. No, she would not be this petty; it was not her way.

"We still need to be careful," Lukas continued, his voice taking on an air of authority. Natalia examined the lines on Lukas' face as he stared at her. Was this what he looked like now? Could Lukas not project the younger image of himself that was his avatar when they met before? Was it his weakness, or was he intentionally building a distance between himself and Natalia? His gaze faltered. Lukas looked confused for a moment, then he looked back at Raja again. "The Queen has not forgotten you, Raja. She has not forgiven you."

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now