23. Meeting the Healer

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Natalia slowly brushed her russet hair, trying to remember what it had once looked like or how it had felt to touch it. She looked at the mirror that had somehow appeared in her room, accompanying a small table with various combs and brushes, in awe of the change it showed her. How could she have transformed so much in such a short time? How could everything be so different? She was alive and free, had met Lukas again, and had bonded with a Tribesman, a people who had before only existed in her imagination.

Her thoughts dwelled on her bondmate. Raja was so different from Lukas, the only man she had ever thought she would love or bond with. Raja had become vital to her, not just because of their bond or because of his bond with Lukas. But Lukas looked so pained by their union and Raja's betrayal. What type of man would hide such essential things from the man he professed to love?

Raja stepped into her room and smiled at her. He took the brush from her and began to brush her hair. "It is beautiful."

"It is so different from what I remember." She put her hand on his as he brushed and tried to ignore the blush rising to her cheeks. "Can you teach me to bind it as a warrior does?"

"Yes, of course. Though," he smirked, "it would have been easier if you had let Leena grow it longer." She smacked his hand and laughed a bit as Raja protested, remembering how upset Leena had been at her demand for short hair. "It's true! Only the youngest of our warriors wear their hair this short, but the binding will work. Perhaps the braids of those from the mountains would be best for you."

After laying the brush on the table next to her, his hands moved through her hair. Soon a braid fell on each side of her face. He produced cloth to bind in with each twist, then looped them up to the top of her head. "The cloth can be loosened when desired, but this is how some wear their hair to train."

"It is beautiful, but I cannot replicate it." Natalia pulled at the binding, accidentally unraveling part of his handiwork.

"I can do it for you until you learn. The braids are good for training, but-" Raja finished removing them from Natalia's hair, leaving it pleated where they had been. "I would rather you wear it down when possible."

Natalia's stomach fluttered with pleasure at his words. She took a moment to admire the beautiful man in the mirror. His almond eyes and olive-brown skin contrasted against the almost white robe he wore. His wavy black hair hung loose down his back, with a few wild tendrils framing his angular face. Everything about his look contrasted with her fair skin and blue eyes and must have been stark compared to Lukas's white hair and skin. It was as if he was from a different world.

Somehow, she felt this could all be part of a grand dream. She almost thought that she could still be sleeping in a dark prison, waiting to be awoken for another round with the Queen's Mind Master cruelly pushing her to finish the cage. That Master had also been fair-skinned; he could have been from the Outlands, maybe a different village.

"Where have you gone, Natalia." Raja's voice blew hot air gently against her ear, and his hand brushed lightly against her neck.

"I am back." She felt at peace. She had not forgotten the stress of the morning but pushed it aside. For her, this was reality; whatever came next, she had this reality now. This peace would someday be broken, and she would feel the pain and anger again. But for now, she would try to stay in the present and enjoy this stolen happiness. She hoped Raja could do the same, but she could still see the pain lingering behind his eyes.

"We should go to bed," he announced into the lingering silence.

"Yes," Natalia agreed, then felt a surge of emotion. She couldn't identify the feeling or who it came from initially. She looked at Raja closely and knew he needed more from her. "Stay. We need each other tonight." Raja's eyes widened, but he nodded and put his hand out to help her stand. She took it, and when he pulled her towards him, she embraced him.

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