19. Unleashed

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING. There is a suggestion of attempted sexual assault in this chapter. It is not graphic, but it may be a trigger for those at risk.

The watcher with Lukas stared expectantly at the door, distracted again. The man (Lukas forgot his name and refused to try to remember it) radiated fear and disgust. Lukas risked piggybacking the shield the watcher created to read some of his superficial thoughts and understood the other man's emotions. The Queen would come to Lukas tonight. The watcher did not want to be present for what she had planned, but neither did Lukas.

This was Lukas' opportunity. The Queen would be close enough that some of his power might penetrate her mighty shields. He had waited two days, gathering his strength, wanting to allow himself the highest chance of success. Tian had found a way to be called from the castle, leaving his current watcher with full-time duty.

He was sure of her escape. Thankfully, she had warned every one of his spies, the need to notify them outweighing his ongoing suspicion of Tian's loyalties. Lukas searched once more for any of their minds and was satisfied that they were indeed gone. He could not feel Destan, this could have been from his shielding as he could also not touch the Queen, but Lukas hoped he had also found a way to leave.

Lukas stiffened involuntarily as Bishop entered the room. The smug little man would be surprised soon, but only in the few seconds before his painless death. He could break the man's hold without significant effort, but Lukas needed patience. No punisher followed Bishop, nor did any of the Queen's guards, just a fearful-looking female.

"Are you awake?" Bishop queried bruskly.

"Yes," Lukas answered when he found he could use his voice.

"Tonight, I have been ordered to do what I have avoided for so long. The situation has changed, and I can no longer resist her request. I have no concerns about your well-being, don't be confused. I just find the request repugnant." He leered at Lukas as a castle servant entered. "But, I have done many revolting things in service to the Queen, and I have lived through them."

"Strip him," Bishop ordered the servant while moving to his preferred seat. Lukas' stomach curled with the surety of what the Queen had asked the small man. He did not try to hide his disgust from the watcher or Bishop. This they could feel even when his cage had been intact.

Bishop held his body still as the servant gently removed the loose robes. He felt her sympathy and had a pang of regret; he could not spare the servants; he had no way of saving them. Lukas couldn't even warn this woman without being discovered. She lay a sheet over his naked body and exited the room quickly after placing his robes on the chest near the bed.

Naked and seeming helpless, Lukas tried not to return to that place in his mind. He tried not to relive his past vulnerable moments in Castle Miritis.

Several soldiers entered and lined the walls. Lukas thought they might look familiar. They could have been the ones who brought him to the castle. Was this a reward or punishment for these faithful servants of the Queen?

Lukas could never know what the warped woman believed. It could be either. Lukas cringed at the thought of being put on display. The Queen loved the attention, but he would not play along this time.

The Queen entered wearing a silk robe that revealed her bare legs. Yes, she planned to have him tonight. Why couldn't she wait longer? As if hearing his question, the Queen began to speak.

"My twins have died." There was no grief in her tone as she strode confidently to his bed. "I require a new backup heir." She settled next to Lukas and stroked his face. "And you are the only one who will produce an heir strong enough to equal Margarite." She peeled away the sheet covering him slowly. "I had hoped to wait until you were entirely mine, in mind and body, but I will have to make do with just the body." She stroked his chest and brought her hand down to his navel.

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