28. The Mind Paths

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Natalia loved the feel of Destan's mind. Its curious mixture of the feminine and masculine was both exciting and soothing. His projection looked the same as in the physical space, except for the long hair bound behind his neck. His mental image of himself was true, so different than most, or perhaps his lack of Mind Magic meant he could not manipulate the image. Looking at the hands still holding his, she knew she had also remained the same; her hands were not as young as they usually were in the Mindspace. It was a shame, she thought in passing, her younger self would be more his age.

"I am glad you are here with me," she said as they began to follow the dark path of her memories. It was the truth. Destan's presence comforted her and made her feel less trepidation about facing her memories. His power flowed through her, embracing her, protecting her, and something more.

Reliving the harsh memories of her past should have exhausted and angered her, but sharing them with Destan and letting him heal the pain left her feeling rejuvenated instead. But Natalia felt Destan's fatigue grow as they roamed through her mind until she finally pulled them back into the warm water surrounding them in the physical space.

In truth, at that moment, Natalia could not fathom the work Destan had done. She had not yet explored the newly opened channels but knew the significance of the change. The power Natalia had known since childhood was back, no longer hidden from her behind scars and misgivings. What she would do with this newfound strength, she did not yet know. How this new relationship with the Elements would change things was also unclear to her. But she knew she could survive and perhaps even thrive with the support of this priest, her bondmate, and her once husband.

Looking down at Destan, she feared he could not leave on his own. Natalia pulled the barely conscious priest out of the pool and called for a servant. One of the brown-clad men must have been waiting outside the door because he immediately dragged the man from her arms and began to strip him of his wet clothing. A flush heated her face as the man exposed Destan's porcelain-sculpted chest. Natalia contemplated going back to her room but ached to comfort Destan as he had comforted her. Oblivious to her conflict, another servant handed her towels and a robe. Feeling the decision leaving her hands, she gratefully went to the bathroom.

Briefly, Natalia registered how strange the small room was in comparison to her bathing room. The bath was so tiny that she could only stand inside or sit with her knees bent. Perhaps the Master who built it bathed in the Water pool by his bed. Discarding the unnecessary thoughts, Natalia peeled off her wet clothing and threw on the robe. Sticky strands of her newly recovered hair grasped uncomfortably at her face, forcing her to towel it as dry as she could.

Destan lay dry and changed in his bed when she returned to the other room. On the other side of the bed from the Water, Natalia noticed a chair and walked towards it. She thought about resting there while she poured power back into Destan. As Natalia approached the bed, Destan rolled over. His eyes never opened, but his arms flung out to capture her before she could reach the chair. The shock was replaced with concern when she felt how empty Destan felt. Too worried to think of the propriety of her actions, she followed his arms and crawled next to him. Her body relaxed in the soft embrace of the young priest. She opened her bond and drew power from it to rejuvenate her savior. After a little while, she felt herself drift toward sleep and let it happen. No one but Raja made her feel this safe, and though Destan had a complicated past, it held less pain for Natalia than Raja's, so she could allow herself to drown in the comfort he offered her.


Raja's hand found the empty space next to him, and the coldness of the unused blanket pulled him fully from his sleep. He sat up in their bed and reached out for Natalia with his mind. His heart clenched when he touched the tightened bond, but he could feel her life force. He had to respect her desire for privacy, and he would want her to do the same for him.

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now