46. The Unexpected

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Leena met Paulo as he walked through the Portal. Diddero must have warned her that he was coming.

"Diddero is with Jiyun," Leena explained his friend's absence quickly as they walked towards the meeting room. It was his least favorite room in the cottage but the most appropriate for this moment.

"Have you called the Masters together?"

"Not yet. I wanted to wait for your arrival."

"Gather them," Paulo ordered, and Leena nodded at a servant who ran from the room, prepared in advance for the order.

"Done. Do you need any food or drink?"

"No, I ate before I came. Leena," Paulo stopped and turned to his sister. "Call the students as well."

"Yes." Leena nodded, but Paulo noted the surprise flickering in her eyes. As he watched his sister walk towards the living spaces, Paulo knew she hadn't anticipated this part of his instructions and would have to gather the students herself. A small smile crept onto his face; he appreciated that Leena couldn't predict his every move.

As he entered the meeting room, he fully expected to see Mara. However, he was taken aback to find Persephone there as well. It was unusual for her to be the first one at any gathering.

"It is tonight," Paulo said without ceremony. Both women nodded and stood to bow at the Master of the Vale. Tonight, Paulo was The Elemental Master, and all respect due to his title would be given, even by his closest friends.

"Dietrich is to be with him," Jordan spoke as he entered the room with Agnes, his body stiff. As a brother, Paulo had sympathy. Dietrich was Jordan's last living child. Though necessary, his presence at Theodore's side meant he would be in harm's way. As The Master, Paulo appreciated the Earth Master's reserve. His demeanor did not show any disapproval of this decision. Agnes, on the other hand, was, as usual, flaring with emotion. It was good he had called Natalia. A Fire Tamer might be necessary tonight.

"Ah, I was not sure," Paulo answered honestly.

"Yes, and his young apprentice," Agnes responded. "I told him this was unwise, but the boy has some fighting skills that Dietrich thought would be useful." This was interesting. Paulo knew Dietrich had taken an apprentice but had learned little about him.

"Is he far enough along in his magical training to assist?" Mara asked as she grabbed Agnes's hand in support. Though Mara was not known for her empathy, Paulo was sure she could feel the flare of Fire in the room and was doing what she could to calm the Fire Master.

"He had some training before he became an apprentice. Rosemund sent him to Dietrich from the temple. This is why he agreed to help," Agnes answered.

Jiyun and Diddero entered the room, interrupting Paulo's contemplation about the unknown apprentice. Jiyun looked tired, probably from working hard to strengthen the room's shielding. Diddero held her arm as they both bowed to The Master. Jiyun sat at the end of the table, closest to the door, while Diddero stood protectively behind her.

"The children?" He asked Diddero.

"In the Village with the school Mistress," Jiyun answered. Paulo nodded.

Before he could say anything further, Leena arrived with Destan and the students. As Raja and Natalia entered, Paulo noted how close they stood to each other, their hands clasped tight and their body touching comfortably. Much had happened while he had been away. He knew some of it, but there would be more to explore later. It was good the Council did not expect him back for a while.

He turned to the room and watched as everyone settled into their seats. They were almost complete now. When Rosemund arrived, if she survived, he would have all of his Masters gathered. The training would begin in earnest then.

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now