Izuku gets his quirk. No one believes him

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Izuku discovered his quirk at his father's funeral

His father, Hisashi, was working overseas when he became a victim in a villain accident. His body was moved to Japan so his mother and him could rest him in peace. Izuku had just turned four the day before his father died, and there he was standing at the casket.

Inko, his mother, cried standing next to him when he heard something. Izuku looked up to see a curly haired ghost standing beside his mother. He fully turned around to recognize the tall ghost with freckles was his father.

But his father had died? What?

"Mommy, why is daddy standing next to you?" Izuku asked curiously.

Inko looked up to see him at the same time as his father. They both looked confused at what he just said.

"What do you mean, honey? Your father, he passed on."

"No, he's right there next to you, mom," Izuku insisted.

'Son?' Hisashi's ghostly figure asked to receive a nod from him.

"Hi, Dad." Izuku replied while his mother tried to understand what was going on and why was her son looking like that until she remembered that her bloodline could be the reason.


"Well, he does indeed have a quirk, a mental quirk of some kind. Would you mind telling me the ancestry behind you and your late husband's quirk?" The doctor said to the mother.

A week after the funeral, Inko decided to bring her son to the doctor to finally get some answers of why he saw his father and if he actually saw him. After a week of grieving, it was time to get an answer.

"I have a weak telekinesis quirk and my husband, Hisashi, had a fire breathing quirk," Inko replied. Izuku noticed how his father placed an invisible hand on her shoulder, calmly. Trying to stop her tears from falling even in death. Izuku smiled at his dad before getting distracted from movement outside the open door of the room. With the doctor and his mother distracted, he went towards the shadowy figure that walked to the stairs.

"Hmmm, is there anything from the sides of family that might contribute to his mutation of his quirk. So far as I can tell, I don't really know what the capabilities are."

"Well, his mother had a gas quirk that allowed her to lit her fingers aflame and his father could breathe sparks of embers. My mother could move things away from her and my father could pull things closer to him by a few feet."

"Was there anyone in either family tree that could communicate with the dead or have any connection to the spirits or ghosts?"

"Well, I believe my late aunt on my mother's side was able to communicate with another realm from what my mother told me, but I don't really know what she was able to do. My mother didn't really understand either."

"Well, right now, your son seems to be able to talk to figures he can only see. He might be imagining his dad as a ghost right now. We can't tell for sure as of now, unless there is concrete proof."

"Okay, thanks for your time doctor, now Izu— Izuku?!" Inko started to say goodbye before noticing her missing son. "Izuku?!"

The doctor went with her out of the room. He spotted a nurse and stopped her, "There is a missing child somewhere in this hospital. We need to find him.l the nurse nodded before going on the intercom to inform everyone in the hospital of the missing child. 4 year old kid with curly green hair and freckles.

Inko walked down the halls fast, checking every open room for her son. Hisashi tried to point her in the direction that he saw Izuku go in.

'I know where he is! Honey, please!' Hisashi pleaded to the deaf ears of his still-alive wife.

"We have a sighting!" A nurse called out for the doctor and Inko. "A patient reported seeing a young child go up towards the roof. He was alone, but they reported him looking like he was following something ahead of him."

Inko headed up straight towards the stairs with some hospital staff following behind her. She pushed onwards in the multiple flights of stairs to push open the door leading out to the roof.

"Izuku!" She shouted to the open rooftop, upon seeing a welcome sight of curly green hair. Izuku was staring smiling at the sunset, sitting in a metal bench. He swung his feet lazily, but when he heard his mother he looked at her and waved.

Inko matched right up to him and asked, "Why did you come all the way up here for? I was so worried!"

"Sorry, Mom. Lily looked lonely when she walked through the halls, so I kept her company until we reached the rooftop." Izuku responded to the worried look on his mother's face.

One of the nurses straightened up at the mention of the name, "Lily? Was that her name?"

"Yes. She had pretty brown hair and brown eyes. But she was sad because everyone was ignoring her." Izuku replied

"What else?" The nurse asked quickly, gaining the attention of Inko.

Izuku tilted his head and answered slowly, "She had on a white dress and a white face mask like you guys wear. Um, she had on red shoes with a bow on them. She was really nice! She talked about how she wanted a garden and stuff!"

The nurse's face dropped. Her face went completely white before turning around to face the others in a low tone. "Lily was a medical student at college. She died from Sepsis from not putting on her gloves on while tending to her garden at home. She scratched her hand after dealing with the manure after a week she started having very strong symptoms. We tried to treat her as best as we could, but the bacteria had already spread too quickly. Her organs failed soon after, and then she died in the next hour."

"That means..."

"Izuku can communicate from beyond our living realm. He can talk to ghosts." Inko finished off their thought, looking at the gentle face of her little boy.

As he swung his feet and looked at the sunset, with Lily sitting right next to him

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