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"Ah, drat. They cut off my reach," K remarked through the static filled screen of a radio shop. He watched as many people filled the streets with panic while the heroes tried to reign everybody under control. He had been trying to reach out further beyond the city just for fun. He already had enough bodies possessed to fulfill his big plan, but he wanted to see what kind of chaos he could still bring. But apparently the heroes had but off his power for only this city. "No matter. I can still have so:e fun around here. Now where is that Midoriya fellow? This ghostly quirk seems to be quite interesting. I must ask him what it does before I finish him off. It might prove useful."

K's laughter rang out through the speaker of the small television before the static screen faded back into black.


"Get to safety! The library should still have room." Izuku reminded many citizens who were trying to escape the utter disorder in the streets. "Avoid anyone with red eyes, they will try to hurt you. Stick close to any heroes you see along the way along with any policemen you find. They will guide you and protect you."

"If not, make your way further down to the training center. They can still fit a few people inside their doors!" Bakugo yelled out, firing off a explosion towards the alleyway when a possessed being tried to launch themselves at a child. "Shit! Deku, we need to make these people move faster!"

"I got this, you two! Find somewhere safe for now!" Mirko called our cheerfully before guiding the citizens along with Tentacole beside him.

"Right," Izuku answered back with a nod. Izuku followed after his partner as he fired off mild explosions towards any possessed person in sight. "At least there aren't as many as it would have been. The warning worked for the most part."

"If only I didn't let my eyes wander..."

"What?" Izuku asked curiously.

Bakugo sighed with regret flashing in his red eyes, "We were at the building where the virus would begin. Miss Grey was hacking into the virus and was almost done... but then I took my eyes off of her for one second and K ended up possessing her again. That's why the virus started in the first place. If only I wasn't so stupid,"

Izuku furrowed his brows, "Hey, you aren't stupid! It wasn't your fault at all. And I'm pretty sure you would t have been able to stop the possession from happening either. It was more of my fault since I wasn't there to knock him out of her again."

"If we didn't get into that fight, then you would have been there with us..."

"It wasn't the fight. Tsukauchi thought that I wouldn't be needed since there wasn't any ghostly matter to deal with, but then K just came out of nowhere to surprise us all," Izuku said before widening his eyes. "Wait, do you think we could stop the virus from that room? Is there anyway we could?!"

"The only way as far as I knew was to hack into it before it started. I have no idea if we could actually affect it now. Plus, I tried to destroy the fucking thing to get it to stop, but it didn't work at all. We could try if that is are only option left, but I don't know if that will make any shitty difference," Bakugo replied, dragging Izuku to his side. Izuku crashed into Bakugo's chest as the sore sign above them crashed right behind him.

"Thanks for that."

Bakugo looked back at Izuku, "No problem. Now where do you think K will be 'resurrected'?"

"No idea. I might have to guess near the park since it's more open," Izuku suggested.

"Good, we start our search there," Bakugo said, charging ahead towards the park while Izuku ran by his side.

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