Cliche Fighting

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Bakugo woke up in the morning lazily, shifting over to turn off his phone's alarm. He stretched over to finally slide the button over to finally get rid of the sound. He yawned before looking over to see Izuku shift in his sleep right next to him. Bakugo's eyes widened as he realized that Izuku was practically sleeping on his lap right now.

'Damn, how many freckles does he have? I could have sworn he had like four on each cheek or something, but they look like tiny constellations on his face.' Bakugo thought to himself as he watched Izuku peacefully sleep.

Bakugo looks over to see he got a notification on his phone. Frowning, he picked up his mobile to see what it was. He opened up his phone to see that Tsukauchi was asking both of them to come in before lunch to discuss new details on where they might find the last piece of this case.

Bakugo checked the time before taking a deep breath. "Hey Izuku, wake up."

Izuku weakly opened his eyes, "Hmmm? What?"

"It's morning, time to wake up," Bakugo replied.

"Hmm, too early. I'm going back to sleep," Izuku states before snuggling against Katsuki's leg.

Bakugo took a deep breath in, "Izuku, you are on my lap. And I'm not your fucking pillow."

"Seems like it to me right now." Izuku replied while Bakugo scoffed. Bakugo tried to move away from him only for Izuku to grab onto his arm tiredly, "Stop moving, I was just getting comfy again."

"I have to. Tsukauchi wants us to come to the station soon to talk more about the case. I have to get back to my apartment and get ready. That means you need to wake up and get ready too, you moron." Bakugo explained as he slowly shoved Izuku's head from his lap for him to stand up.

Izuku groaned before opening his eyes fully. "I'm awake now, I'm just tired."

"Well, get up and get ready. I'm going to be in police station in an hour. When will you be there?"

"Give me a little over an hour. I should be there. But if I'm late, can you write the notes for me? I shouldn't be too long if I'm that late."

Bakugo looked at him, "Haah? Not my fault if you come in late. It's not like I'm going to do your shitty work for you."

Izuku laughed silently before sitting up slowly, "I'll be there eventually after I get ready. Go on and go get yourself ready. I'll go shower and stuff."

"Hey, make sure you be there, okay? This shitty case is only going to get worse if we don't find the main source of it."

Izuku watched as Bakugo put back on his hoes after gathering all his belongings, "I'll be at the station. Don't worry about me, Kacchan."

"Whatever, Deku. See you there," Bakugo said before he shut the front door behind him. Bakugo smirked when he shut the door behind him before wiping his eyes to get rid of any trace of sleep. Then, he hurriedly made his way back to his apartment to change into something more presentable after a quick shower.

When Bakugo left, Izuku reluctantly got up from the couch to get ready. After he showered, he dressed in a crisp gray shirt and jeans before walking out to see his dad relaxing on the couch he slept on.

Hisashi asked, "Hey, kiddo. Where are you going? Mom is still asleep by the way."

"I'm heading out to the station. I'm meeting Kacchan there to talk over the case with everyone." Izuku answered back.

"Kacchan?" Hisashi mumbled as Izuku snagged an apple on the way to the door. "Alright, be safe out there. And don't be afraid to call on me when you need someone."

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