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"Kacchan! Are you okay?" Izuku's voice came muffled as Bakugo opened his eyes weakly. Bakugo squinted form the lights of the bar only to relax when Kaminari dimmed them down.

"Ugh, my head. How many times did that bitch stab me?" Bakugo questioned, looking down at the wrapped gaze around his shoulder and back.

Kirishima replied, "I counted three entry wounds. They are minor, but you might want to take it a bit easy."

"Yeah, one of them was your shoulder," Sero said.

Izuku asked with a worried tone,"Kacchan, why did you come here? Why are you hurt?!"

"K started the countdown to the virus by taking over Grey's body again. It said it was only 60 minutes, so...." Bakugo's red eyes widened. "Shit, what time is it?!"

"19:27." Todoroki read out loud from his watch. His late mother's eyes were transfixed on the digital clock on his wrist.

Bakugo breathes out, "Goddammit! Okay. How long have I been out?"

"Only...ten minutes. I think," Kaminari replied, checking his own Pikachu themed watch.

"So that means we have about until 20:00 that the virus will spread. Get everyone on alert and away from any electronic. This virus will try to take anything connected to wireless. Sparky, send out the message to everyone to give them the heads up. Tale Face, go with Racoon eyes to contact the agency to see about them sending out the warning through television before it gets too close. Shitty Hair, go to the police station. If anything, they might need your hardening quirk to destroy the computers to see if that will help. Icyhot, ...What are you doing here? You know what. I don't care right now, just make sure that the others are alright."

"What do I do?"

"Can you come with me? Tsukauchi and the others will need all the help they can get to deal with this. Once it hits, the police will have their hands full of cases if something goes wrong with the prevention."

Shinso strolled in to the bar casually, "Hey, Izuku! Can I get a coff- oh hello. What'd I miss? Why does the Pomeranian have stab wounds?"

"No time, dude. Come with me and I will guide you," Chargebolt said, jumping up from his seat excitedly once he saw him walk in.

Shinso shrugged, "Alright, Sparkplug. Let's see what I can help you with, but after I get a coffee. I don't think I have the amount of chaotic energy you have."

Izuku sighed, fixing a Togo cup for Shinso quickly while everyone went over what to do. Cellophane and Pinky had already left to get the word out to the major agency they both worked at. Red Riot rushed out of the bar after giving his best bro a manly hug. Shoto went with Chargebolt and Shinso after Shinso took his coffee.

Which left Izuku all alone with Bakugo.

Izuku sighed, "Kacchan, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I just...I shouldn't have missed that meeting because it was important to the case. And I'm sorry for calling you all those things. I didn't-,"

"Hey, if anyone should apologize it's me. I blew things out of proportion when we should have just focused on the case instead. I'm sorry too. And once we get out of this mess, let's just have an apology dinner or something since this isn't really the time to apologize. We have to get out there and try to prevent this K virus from getting loose to all of Japan," Bakugo replied.

"You're right, Kacchan. When we make it out of her,e let's go to that spicy ramen place down the street," Izuku suggested with a smile, "I heard they have a spicy competition to see if anyone can handle the heat from the spice."

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