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Izuku sat in the back of a police car sitting right next to Detective Tsuakuchi as he broke down the case for him.

The detective cleared his throat before explaining the case to his helper, "There has been a suspected murder in one of the second floor apartments in Hosu. The victim had been missing from their home for a few days according to their neighbors. So far, it looks like they were one of the only members of their family left. The elders passed and the only living members were his sister, her husband, and their daughter. He was quite a loner, only keeping up in his apartment in Musufatsu to do his job of video game testing. Then he went missing a few days ago only for him to be found outside of an apartment in Hosu by the landlord."

"And you want me to talk to him and figured out what happened in between that time?"

"Yes," Tsukauchi replied, "It looks to be a simple open and close case, but we just want to make sure. Just a warning, the apartment is very trashy, so be careful where you step."

"Yeah, no problem. Let's see how well this will turn out." Izuku responded, unbuckling his seatbelt as the police car slowed down to a stop in front of the supposed apartment building.

The apartment building looked pretty old, but the thing that stood out the most was the yellow police tape wrapped around the entrance of one of the second floor apartment doors.

"That's the place?" Izuku asked, nodding his head towards the taped up door.

"Yep." One of the other policemen chimed in, confirming the site.

"Got it. I'll go in and try to connect with the victim's purity since they just be around in there somewhere. Then I'll do a little search around the apartment and report back to you guys." Izuku cracked his knuckles before walking ahead to the building.

Tsukuachi nodded, "Good luck, Midorya. And be careful."

"When have I even been not careful?" Izuku retorted back loudly, climbing up the first flight of stairs.

"I can count multiple times just over the last year...." Tsukauchi replied quietly as he watched the young adult walk up the stairs into the apartment. When Izuku disappeared behind the tape, he let out a sigh. 'Hopefully this is just an open and close case,' Tsukauchi thought even though he has a feeling that it won't be so easy.

"They weren't kidding when they said the place was trashed." Izuku remarked, whistling low at the mess. There was empty beer cans, balled up paper, dirty laundry all over the place, and empty pizza boxes strewn all over the floor. He could barely see the beige carpet underneath all the trash and stains. Izuku travels around the apartment just finding more and more trash.

"Hello? Anyone? Um, Jun?" Izuku asked to the open air, hoping to find the ghost of the missing murder victim. "I can help you. Where are you? Just tell me where you are, so I can help with your case."

"Hmm? Help?" A distant voice called out. Izuku turned toward the voice and rushed towards it to the back room. He carefully opened up the door to see a mostly empty room. There was a dirty mattress on the ground that was covered in holes. It just had a flimsy sheet of material for a blanket. Next to the bed, was an empty desk with its matching wooden chair pushed out. The markers of where they found the body was outlined right near the pushed out chair. And an old computer sitting on the desk.

Izuku turned his head to the far right to see the ghostly figure of the recently deceased facing the wall trembling. "Jun?"

Jun waved his hand in greeting, "That's my name, right? Heh, don't wear it out."

"Hello. My name is Midoriya Izuku. I have come to help you out to solve your case." Izuku introduces himself squatting down next to Jun.

Jun tilted his head, "My case?"

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