Midoriya Izuku vs K

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"There. Right on the last page," Hisashi said, "I know you can't see it, son, but it says how this new Nomu body dream of his is his wish. It's nothing else but how he craves for an impenetrable body like the ones he saw before when he was living. It seems like that is his only reason."

"But what about the huge virus leading to the army of possessed people. Wasn't it part of his plan detailed in the document to wreak havoc and take over the world or something? Was it?" Izuku questioned, thinking back to the case.

Hisashi continued, "Nothing detailing it. All it says is that he needs to take a lot of lives to make the body, and once he does the others will eventually snap out of it. The only detail it says is how his only plan was to create a Nomu body for himself to control. That means that the Nomu body is the only tether he has in this world. It doesn't say anything about taking over the world or controlling anything else. It also says something about the bodies created from it won't be affected by the living as well."

"So he is just wreaking havoc for the fun of it while he still can," Izuku summarized. "So K is tethered to his Nomu creation like the other spirits like Jun are tethered to their bodies that make up the Nomu. So that means..."

Hisashi walked over to his son with a smile. "The way that we can defeat him is using his wish against him."

Izuku mumbled to himself, "So all the spirits need to gather and take K down themselves. It says that quirks from living people can't affect them as much. So that must mean that the people who died to make the creature can affect it if they could use their quirks, right? And other spirits as well. It just says the living can't do any lasting damage, so other ghosts can help too... K is a spirit himself, so only the other undead can touch him...The one weakness in his quirk is non-living, and his quirk can only affect the living..."

"Maybe that's why he finds you interesting. That's the reason he wants to go after you," Bakugo whispered almost to himself, but Izuku could hear him in the silence of the room.

"What?" Izuku asked quietly.

Bakugo explained, "He knows that you can make contact and communicate with the undead. You are part of his weakness. That's why he is after you, he said something about finding you when he made the virus go online. Your quirk would affect him as well."

Shoto was defending against the huge monster in front of him with Dabi trying his best to use his blue fire on their legs to slow them down further. But Dabi's first wasn't working to slow the creature down like before, it looked like the monster creation was pushing forward past the flames to get to the place where Bakugo escaped to.

Dabi gritted his teeth, holding one of the staples holding his face together as the creature screamed in agony from the flames. He wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer, the scars were already getting irritated from the number of flames he was using. The staples holding him together were now constructing his skin tighter, chasing him to be a slight pain while he continues to use his flames against the huge thing.

Despite their efforts, the creature was getting closer and closer to the target in sight. With a last-ditch effort to create more time, Shoto pushed his ice wall into the creature, knocking them down onto an empty building. The creature yowled as they crushed the building under them. The sight was similar to how a child would look if they fell into the toilet seat if that made any sense.

"Dabi!" Shoto shouted, running up to his ally in the fight.

Dabi breathed out, "I can't handle this much heat anymore, I'm pushing to my limit at this point. What about you, Hero?"

"I'm starting to tire myself out. I can't keep doing this much longer honestly, but I have to. Ground Zero needs as much time as I can get him to try and figure out a way to stop this...thing from creating even more lasting damage," Shoto answered back honestly as the creature slowly rose from the debris of the building they had fallen on top of.

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