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One year later.

The bodies of the Nomu had been taken apart piece by piece and given a proper and formal burial in a special spot in a cemetery. It has the names of all the people affected by K's attack craved into marble for people to remember them.

Every trace of electronics affected by virus was taken care of. Any flash drive or physical document of K's curse was burned all down to ashes and molten metals.

They even went into dark web to completely delete the document from existence. Safe to say, no one would be looking for it anytime soon. Any trace they could find was erased so even if K had moved on, the document wouldn't affect anyone else. It was completely erased with Nedzu's help and a large skilled team.


Dabi accidentally revealed who he truly is to his family when Shoto was still in the hospital. Because how else was he going to explain how he was in the same hospital room as him, waiting on his recovery.

Nowadays, Dabi is in therapy just like the rest of his family members. All of them meet up each week or every other week to talk over dinner.

It took a while before Dabi fully settled in again as a Todoroki.

Natsuo and him grew closer than before. Natsuo always poked fun at him since he was taller than him, swinging him around at every chance to reduce the scary villain to nothing but a ragdoll swishing through the air.

Fuyumi and him weren't as close as they were when they were younger, but they still cared deeply for each other. Fuyumi often told him about her job teaching the little children at school and wouldn't talk anything about their father since she knew the topic made him uncomfortable.

Shoto started adapting new habits from Dabi like sponge. Shoto's cold glares matched his older brother's more often than not. He even had a piercing in his left ear that he got from Dabi using a heated needle at home. Safe to say, Fuyumi wasn't a big fan of it at first when they came out for a reaction to Shoto's new jewelry addition. At least Natsuo thought it was cool.

Their mother was watching over them the entire time with a smile on her face. A bigger smile grew on her face each time that her family would visit Deku to talk with her to update her on their lives even though she already knew because she was watching over them.


His mom was doing great. His dad still had his tether to her which meant she spent even more time with her daily, watching over Inko as she watched television.

Izuku still remembered the last time he visited when his dad leaned over to light a candle with a quick fire breath aimed right towards the wick. His mom looked toward the candle with teary eyes and a warm teacup in her hands. She laughed, "Hey, weather."

As for Izuku himself, he worked more at the police station to help more directly with the police and the underground heroes. He still worked at the bar on the weekends as more of an undercover job to gain intel and talk with his regulars.

Over the past year, Bakugo and him worked on their friendship, becoming closer to each other through the year. Bakugo reflected on his past mistakes with him and Midoriya got reminded to take care of himself by Bakugo a lot more often than he would admit.

Midoriya ended up helping Bakugo with advice on how he fought as they both reviewed previous footage from a earlier attacks he has involved in. He even got introduced to many other heroes because of Bakugo because they were insistent to know how Bakugo was getting all the extra help. He was even added to the group chat with all of Bakugo's friends, the same group chat that Bakugo has muted most of the time from the amount of notifications he would get.

In return, Bakugo really dived into learning more about the paranormal to study more on ghosts. In the beginning, it was for future cases that night pop up, but the reason slowly changed to become more about helping Deku more than anything.

Bakugo and Midoriya ended up binge-watching a series online about two guys going to investigate about urban legends with ghosts that may or may not be included.

And now, both of them were sitting on a park bench under a night sky after having a big meal at Midoriya's apartment. Izuku waved to a ghost who past right by the pair.

Bakugo leaned his head back to look at the night sky above them, "Would you believe it if your future self went back to the past and said where you were with me right now?"

Midoriya thought for a moment, "Maybe."

"Why?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow at him. Izuku's green hair looked more bright under the starlight shining down.

"It depends," Midoriya shrugged, "My younger self would probably ask a bunch of questions on how that happened like if I actually became a hero and gained you respect that way. Or I just gained your friendship back eventually."

Bakugo continued to stare at him with a doubtful look on his face until Izuku chuckled

Midoriya smiled, "l mean, look at us now. A lot has changed."

"Yeah, I think I like what the future holds," Bakugo replied.

And they might not know what the future might bring to them. An obstacle or two thrown their way. Hell, maybe another ghost causing trouble in their country.

But for now and the incoming future, the two were ready for whatever came their way. Whether it be from the living or the dead.

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