K's Weakness

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"Oh, he did not just use my favorite quote from one of my top ten movies from the pre-quirk era," Hisashi whispered despite the fear he had growing inside him from the look of the monster.

Izuku looked down at his partner, "You have any ideas?"

"Beside exploding it in the eyes? Not one," Bakugo answered back honestly.

"Look, it's nice to talk and stuff. But can we talk while we walk, or better yet, how about run away? Run far enough to com duo with a better plan than to just shoot the eyes out?" Hisashi suggested.

"Good idea, dad," Izuku mumbled, helping Bakugo tot stand on his feet. Together they rushed into an alleyway to gain back their thoughts to come up with a solid plan.

Once they settled into the alleyway, Izuku's phone started to ring. Bakugo raised a brow when Izuku checked the phone caller ID. "It's Tsukauchi," Izuku said before answering the phone, "Hello?"

Tsukauchi greeted, "Izuku? Are you and Bakugo safe?"

"Kind of. Bakugo got stabbed quite a bit. We are currently hiding out in an alleyway while some of the heroes are trying to stop the huge monster that K made from escaping," Izuku responded, "Besides that overall fine....ish. How are you?"

"Honestly? Pretty shitty right now," Tsukauchi replies. Izuku could hear many voices in the background. "My men are scattered around trying to restrain anyone who seems possessed. Others are searching for homes to make sure the civilians are safe. And I'm trying to check in on Miss Grey at the urgent medical care to see if she can pull through this."

"Is there any lead on how to defeat this thing?" Izuku asked.

Tsukauchi said, "The only thing I have are K's medical records and something unspecific on his quirk record."

"Medical records?" Izuku questioned.

Bakugo groaned, "Dammit! Just get the damn records, we need all the help we can get."

Izuku replied, "Okay. What is on them?"

"Apparently K had been suffering from tuberculosis in the later part of his living years. It was such a severe case that it seems like if he didn't end his own life, he still would have died from tuberculosis around the same time. He died young, still in his twenties," Tsukauchi revealed.

Izuku asked, watching Bakugo grit through his pain. "Anything else?"

"His quirk records that I could dig up say that there might be a weakness to his quirk. But I can't really tell what it means." Tsukauchi said.

"What does it say?" Izuku asked quickly as he watched the huge monster punch their arm into a vacant office building. The punch caused so many glass shards to rain down onto the street below. "Anything can help, seriously!"

"Okay. It says something about how his quirk can only be affected if reversed," Tsukauchi stated.


"I don't know what exactly it means. His quirk basically functions to be a tool to make others do his bidding, but I guess the revise would be to throw it back at him. Like to throw his order or victims back at him in some way? There is almost no report or case from before or after his quirk if anyone trying it though. There is only one single instance when a girl used her own quirk to get away from his orders. There aren't any details, but she said something about it being like a genie wish." Tsukauchi continued, shuffling paper, "She said that you would have to move around the order, find a loophole in order to act back upon him."

Izuku hummed, asking over to Bakugo to help him relax his back against the dumpster for support. "So we just need to find a loophole in his orders. So that means the order we need to find a loophole in is in the document he sent out, right?"

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