Chapter two.

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Percy's POV The Prophet House Drama
After Nico spoke his sentence, he got a far away look in his eyes. That always means something is wrong. After living with The Son of Hades for a entire year, I have got to know his expressions and what they mean. I am the only one in the entire Prophets House besides Hazel and Bianca that has seen his room. His walls are all covered by posters, not a single bit of wall showing. One time, one of the corners slipped up and I saw a splash of red. But I had chosen to not ask. Nico and I have become a lot closer since we moves into the same dorm house. I have noticed that he always wears his new long sleeved aviators jacket or long sleeved shirts. His hair always covers his ebony eyes and he always has the sort of look that says 'talk to me and I'll pulverize you' . But it disappears for a bit when I walk in to the room, the comes back tenfold.
It was the first dinner of the summer and to our horror, Nico offered to cook. He really isn't a great cook, but I wanted to let him, for some reason. After about an hour of Nico banging around in the kitchen, I heard him yell.
"Shut it, Persephone! I know what I'm doing! All I asked for was a recipe and you came and knock me out with a frying pan and then use the frying pan to make dinner! Please go to Demeter and eat some freaking cereal!"
Even from my seat in the dining room, I heard a sharp PING and a yell, followed by a feminine yell and another PING! I walk to the kitchen and found Persephone hitting Nico with a frying pan as an army of rodent skeletons busily chewed at the flowers in her hair.
"Go away, Persephone, and leave Nico alone!" I yelled, as she disappeared into a puff of lilac smoke.
"Thanks, Jackson." Nico says.
"No prob. Anything for a friend, right?" This comment makes him cringe, as if I had just squished his heart.
"What's wrong, Nico?" I ask in response to his reaction.
"Nothing, Jackson." He says.
Why can't he just call me Percy?
"Percy. Please call me Percy." I say.
"Whatever." Nico says and shadow travels to McDonalds to get us some food.
That night at dinner, everything was chaotic. First, people started bombing Leo with questions, then we had a food fight. After the food fight we decided to have a Welcome to the Prophet House party for Leo and Calypso.
"So, Leo, what do you guys want to play first?" Hazel asks.
"How about Kiss, Kill and Cliff?" Leo says.
"Okay, I'll go first." Connor Stoll says. "Clarisse, Chris, Octavian, Percy?"
"Kiss Chris, obviously, kill Prissy and cliff Octavian." Clarisse says. "Okay, Annabeth; Nico, Jason and Leo?"
"So I'll kiss Jason, Sorry Piper, Kill Leo, cause killing someone three years younger than me would be cruel," Annabeth says. I look over at Nico and he is blushing. Ugh. "And Cliff Nico, sorry!" Annabeth curls in a ball and fake cries.
"Okay, I'm good now, So Travis; Katie Gardener, Clarisse, Piper?" Annie says.
"Better choose these next words carefully, Stoll." Clarisse says. "Yah!" Says Jason.
"Okay, Kiss Katie, Cliff Piper, OUCH SORRY! And, oh gods, Kill Clarisse. OUCH OUCH OUCH I'M SORRY! I LOVE KATIE! I AM SORRY!" Travis says.
"It's okay, dude, your being a good Boyfriend, picking your girlfriend." Jason says.
"Let us play truth or dare, I shall whoop thy asses!" Zoe yells.
"First, it's will and your, and second, yah! Truth or Dare!" Thalia says. I see Nico tense at the mention of truth or dare. What does he have to hide... His crush! Yes! I will finally find out if he likes m... never mind.
"Okay, Luke, Truth or Dare?" Thalia asks.
"Dare." He says, winking at R.E.D.
"I dare you to have 7 minutes of heaven with Rachel!" Thalia says, evilly.
"Okay." Luke and Rachel say in unison.
-seven minutes later-
"Okay, Percy, Truth or Dare?" Luke says.
"Um, Truth. I have learned the hard way never to accept a dare from a Hermes kid." I say.
"If you were to date a guy in this room, who would it be?" Luke says. All the guys start making kiss faces and attractive looks. All but Nico. He just sits there, trying not to draw attention to himself.
"I would date Nico!" I say in a heart beat. Silence.
"Pffft!" Jason laughs, "If only you knew!"
"Knew wha-" I say. What? But Nico cuts me off.
"Shut it, Grace, or you will get a sword up your ass." Nico threatens. "Yeesh, Death Breath, I'm sorry!" Jason says.
"Okay, Nico truth or dare?" I ask.
"Dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room, " I say as he leans his hand toward his mouth, "And it can't be yourself."
"Ugh, let's get this over with." He mumbles. He is probably going to kiss Annabeth. Jealousy washes over me like the tide.
He looks around the circle and his eyes lock to Jason for a moment. Oh gods, is he gay? Probably not.
Jason gives Nico a little nod, and Nico crosses the room. Jason and I are right next to each other, So I am pretty sure he is going to kiss him. I close my eyes, not wanting to look for some reason. I recognize this feeling. Jealousy.
I feel Nico stand in front of us, and have a feeling that he will kiss Jason soon. Then something takes me by surprise.
Nico is not kissing Jason. He is kissing me. I open my eyes, Seeing Nico's closed one right in front of me. I have to resist the urge to kiss back. A) because it is right in front of my girlfriend B) He is a really good kisser and C) I'm not gay. Right?
He pulls away, turns as red as poppies and disappears. If I know Nico, he is probably in China right now. Then we hear a thud. He is back in his room.
"I'll be right back guys." I say as I walk to the Son of Hades's room.
Knocking on the door, I say, "Nico, it's me, Percy, please open up." I say. The door opens, only to reveal a red eyed Nico.
"C-Come in." He stutters.

"Nico, what's wrong?" I ask, I don't like seeing my best friend sad. "Noth-" He says, but I cut him off.
"Don't you dare say nothing, because I know there is something." I say. I want to hear the truth.
"It's Everything! Remember how I told you after the war that you were not my type? Th-that was a lie. I dated Will for about two months to get my mind off of you. When I actually thought Will and I had something, I realized that he was cheating on me! I am not going to tell you who, because you would think I would be lying. So, I dumped him. Then we had that After War swimming party, and you were there. I-I s-saw y-you sh-shirtless, and old feelings were sparked. I still love you Percy, even if you don't feel the same." Nico says. I got this weird feeling, kind of like relief.
"It's okay, Neeks, I accept you. And I- I kind of like the kiss. I don't know. Could you please tell me who Will was cheating on you with?" I ask.
"Are you sure?" he asks.
"Yes. Tell me so I can beat the pulp out of them." I say. I automatically hate them if they broke Nico's heart. Even if I liked them before.
"It was... A-Annabeth." he says.
That bitch.

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