Chapter Ten.

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Nico's POV
I wake up to the face of a girl poised above my face.
"Nico! You have to make a move today!" Bianca says. Or more like screams.
"Good Morning to you too." I say sarcastically.
"So what are you going to do?" Bianca asks, as she pulls the covers off of me.
"Um, Bianca, I'm fifteen years old. I sleep without a shirt. Please leave so I can get changed." I say. She leaves without another word.
After taking a half an hour to get changed, I head down stairs, only to see Bianca and Reyna talking. I creep a little closer.
"Hey Reyna." Bianca says.
"Hi." She says back.
"So, can I tell you something?" Bianca says.
"Yes. You can."
"So, Ever since I came back, I have liked you. Heck, I have loved you. I just wanted to tell you. I don't care if you don't fee..." Bianca says, but is cut off by Reyna kissing her.
"Shut up. I love you." Reyna says.
I smile, my sister found love. I hear Bianca whisper something like "Thank You, Aphrodite."
My turn now.
I head to the table, and see Percy and Octavian in an intense arm wrestling contest.
"Um, Percy?" I ask.
"Hey Neeks!" He says smiling.
"Can I talk to you?" I ask.
"Sure." He says and slams Octavian's hand down to the table.
We walk to the living room, pulling Percy behind me. I see Hazel and Frank talking on the couch and I do something I never knew I could.
"Hazel. If you can hear me, please leave." I thought. I look to Hazel, she nods and leaves. Okay, so I have telepathic abilities now.
"So, what is it Nico." Percy says with a bit of ice tinting his voice.
"I'm sorry." Is all I say.
"What?" Percy says.
"I'm sorry. I am sorry that I ran away, when I should have done this." I say. And I kiss him. It is everything I imagined. He pulls away.
"What was that for?" He asks.
"That was a yes." I say. The look on his face goes from confusion, to shock then to excitement.
"Yes! You said Yes!" Percy yells and envelopes me in a great big hug.
We stand there for about five minutes.
"We should tell them." I say.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Percy says enthusiastically.
We get everyone to gather in the kitchen.
"What is it?" Rachel asks.
"Yeah, Prissy?" Clarrise asks.
"Okay, Nico and I are together!" Percy says. I blush. Everyone just stares, shocked. Then I feel a shove. I see Bianca, hand in hand with Reyna, walk in.
"I am also with Bianca." Reyna says defiantly.
"Yay! My family found love!" Hazel shouts and gives us a group hug.
Soon, our whole house is hugging.
"Okay, So the relationships in the house are:
Percico!" Piper yells.
"Piper, Your Aphrodite is showing." Connor whispers. We all laugh.
"Wait, I think I found something out." Octavian says. Soon all eyes are on him.
"If Percy is a son of Poseidon, which is blue and Nico is a son of Hades, which is black, doesn't that ring a bell?" Octavian says. We all stare at hi blankly.
"A blue rose," He says, pointing to Percy, "With black thorns." He says pointing to me.
"Oh My Gods. They are the leaders of the Prophecy." Rachel says. Of course the Augur and Oracle can sense it.
"Wait, you are right," I say as I pull the note out of my pocket, "I found this note only a few months ago."
Everyone gathers around to look at the little slip of paper in my hand.
"Nico... that's not english..." Frank says
"Or greek..." Annabeth says.
"Or latin..." Jason says.
"Or french..." Piper says.
"Then what language is it?" I ask.
The ground rumbles and Queen Dirt Face herself appears.
"Gaea." Leo snarls.
"Hello, young demigods. You thought you could get rid of me that easily? I think not. That language there, is the language of the golden age. The age where my son ruled the world. Where the gods were not in power. That is my language. And I have not s single clue how he can read it, but I know one thing. This time, with Tartarus and Kronos on my side, we will surely end the reign of the gods. Ta- Ta young demigods." And with that, she disappears.
What was that?
"Okay, if what she said is true, may I say that we are totally screwed." Thalia says.
"Yes, we may be screwed, but we have one kick ass team! We have:
Jason, A Roman son of Jupiter who has saved the world on multiple accounts.
Annabeth, A daughter of Athena who single handedly defeated Arachne and is to smart for her own good.
Thalia, A daughter of Zeus, Lead maiden for Artemis and can make everyone tremble in fear with one look.
Leo, A son of Hephaestus who created a spanking hot war machine which helped us defeat Gaea the first time and who can control fire with the wave of a hand.
Clarisse, A daughter of Ares, who destroyed a full grown Drakon in a matter of minutes.
Bianca, A daughter of Hades that took down a thirty foot tall animatronic made by Hephaestus himself.
Hazel, A daughter of Pluto who can summon mass amounts of rock out of the earth and fought side by side with Hecate herself.
Piper, A daughter of Aphrodite who can charmspeak people into giving her cars.
Reyna, a Daughter of Bellona who has lead thousands of people to war and brought back the Athena Parthenos, thus ending the war.
The Stolls, Sons of Hermes who can prank themselves out of any problem.
Calypso, A daughter of a bloody Titan, that is a giant feat itself.
Octavian, a dead son of Apollo who can do all sorts of healing stuff.
Nico, a son of Hades who can summon huge fissures of rock out of the ground. Who can summon thousands of dead confederates to destroy the enemy. Who can shadow travel people out of trouble. Who can stare a giant or gods or even titan right in the eyes and make them tremble in fear. A boy who radiates death.
And last, but not least, Percy Jackson. A greek legend who lives up to the legend. Who can destroy any monster or enemy in his path. Who can create tidal waves, hurricanes and earthquakes in a blink of an eye. Who defeated Kronos himself. Who made it through Tartarus alive. Who was offered immortality by the gods themselves, but turned it down for love.
You say were screwed? I think that after this war, Tartarus, Kronos and Gaea will all be crying for their mommies." Rachel says.
"Thanks, But don't forget we have Rachel, The Oracle of Delphi, a girl who hit the titan lord himself in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush." Percy says. We all break out laughing. This may be the last war we fight, we may lose lives, but at least we have our family.

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