Chapter five.

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Nico's POV The Island of the Broken
I open my eyes, seeing that it is quite bright outside. What time is it? How long have I slept? I try to get up, only to see tan, strong arms surrounding me. Looking down, I see the love of my life hugging me.
"Percy. Percy? Percy!" I yell, trying to get him to wake the hell up.
"Mmm... Five more minutes, Mommy." he mutters.
"Perseus Jackson, get your ass out of bed. And I am not your mommy." I say.
"Oh, hey Nico." He says. I struggle out of his grip and brush my teeth. Today I had something special planned. He just went through a break up, so I had given him a White Girl Break Up Sleepover. That was only phase one. Now it is time for phase two.
I quickly grab a bag, stuff it with my swim trunks, my black long sleeved swim shirt, Percy's swim trunks and some sun tan lotion.
"Percy, get out of bed, I have a surprise for you!" I say.
"I don't want to move." Percy whines.
"Then you won't get the surprise." I whine back.
"Fine. But can you please leave." Percy says. So, I leave. I wait for ten minutes, then get fed up.
I walk back into our room and see Percy, still asleep.
"Time for Payback." I whisper. I scream bloody murder.
"Wtf, Nico!" Percy yells. It seems that he only got half dressed. He is still in his, Oh My Gods, My Little Pony boxers. Just to get revenge, I grab his shoulder and shadow travel us on top of the Poseidon Table in the Cafeteria. Then it is Percy's turn to scream.
Everyones eyes turn to see an almost naked son of Poseidon, in My Little Pony boxers, screaming like a girl.
"Nico Di Angelo, I WILL KILL YOU!" Percy screams.
"Sorry, you kept me waiting." I say in an innocent tone. "Fine, you get this one chance. Shadow travel me back Now!" He says sternly.
"What's the magic word?" I say in a kiddish tone.
"Ugh, fine. Please?" Percy says. Next thing we know it, we are back in our room.
After waiting another Ten minutes, Percy is finally ready. "Come on Kelp Head. Let's go." I say, grabbing the bag. I pull him into the shadows and we disappear.
When we finally get to our destination, the sun is bright, the weather is warm and there is not a person to be seen.
"Nico, where are we." Percy asks.
"We are at The Island of the Broken." I reply.
"So, where are we?" Percy asks.
"This island was created by Hades for my 12 birthday. On my birthday is also the day Bianca died, so, as a birthday present, my dad created this island that doesn't exist on a map and is unreachable unless if authorized by me." I say. This is were I go if I don't want to go to China.
"Oh." is all Percy says.
We walk in silence, until we reach the ocean. My dad knows that I have a crush on a Son of Poseidon, so he created a giant water park and very kind fish, from the help of Poseidon.
"OH MY GODS! NICO THIS IS AWESOME! WOOOHOOO!" Percy screams and jumps into the water.
"Um, Perce, your still in your clothes." I shout after him. Leaving the bag with his clothes in it, I head towards my house.
The building is tall, made out of black oak and obsidian. The inside is very dark, but also very comfortable.
After getting changed, I reach the water, only to be greeted by a giant wall of water.
"Ahh..." I scream, but get cut off by the Tidal wave splashing down on me.
I open my eyes, only to see that I am surrounded by a bubble, yet again.
"Gods damn it, Percy! You scared the living shit out of me!" I say.
"Sorry, Neeks." He says. Gods, I love that nickname.
"Percy can I pl..." I say, but get cut off by Percy crashing his lips onto mine. After the shock, I kiss back.
When he finally pulls away, after what seems like forever, but was only a few minutes, I ask,
"W-Why did y-you d-do that?"
"Because," Percy says. He pauses for a minute, then says something I never thought I would ever hear, with Percy being as straight as a board.
"I love you, Nico."

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