Chapter Nine.

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Bianca's POV The Secret
Oh my gods. Holy Hades. I am screwed. I shadow travel to my room as fast as I can and start crying. Why me? I mean, sure, now its fine, but still. I just can't believe that... That Percy would... I break out in another wave of sobs.
Then I hear a thud. I look up, and see my Little Soldatino looking down at me.
"Hey Neeks." I say through tears.
"Awe, Bianca, It's okay. You don't need to be scared or ashamed. They accepted me." Nico says. Wait...
"Nico, your gay?" I ask.
"Yes. Yes I am. And out friends support us 900%." He says.
"Well apparently the dark and gloomy Hades kids are actually as gay as rainbows." I say, thus making him laugh.
"Yeah, I guess we are." He says, bursting into another fit of laughter.
Soon, my tears are all gone and we are laughing like a bunch of hyenas.
"So, Reyna?" Nico asks.
"Yeah. How about you?" I ask.
"You don't already know?" He says, shocked.
"No. Is it obvious?" I say.
"About as obvious as Annabeth being smart." He says. Wow.
"So, who? Tell me!" I say, starting to freak out.
"I like, Percy. And that's the problem." He says, slumping down in my fluffy bean bag chair.
"How is it a problem?" I ask.
"Well, he just broke up with Annabeth and he has been super flirty with me. He has told me he loves me and just asked me out, but I don't think he means it. What if I am just a rebound?" He says, then starts crying.
"Awe, Neeks. It's okay. If you make a move, then maybe his true feelings will come out!" I say.
"Okay. I'll try that... If you talk to Reyna." He says with a triumphant smile.
"Okay. I will." I say, feeling the colour draining from my face.
"Let's do it in the morning. I'm hella tired." Nico says, flipping his ebony hair, making me laugh.
"Okay, good night my Soldatino." I say as he leaves.
"Good night, Principessa Giocattolo." Nico says.
After he leaves, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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