Chapter Seven.

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Nico's POV
"Nico, Calm down! Dude, it's fine! They won't find you here. Seriously, Nico, calm the Hades down!" Apollo says. I ran, or shadow traveled, away from camp the fastest I could after Percy told me that he loves me.
"No, Apollo, It will not be okay! The guy I have loved since forever told me he loves me! If that doesn't make things anymore complicated, it was right after he broke up with his girlfriend." I yell. I know, not safe to yell at a god, but Apollo and I are really close. Him being the god of gays and such, he respects me. Also, he owes me. Long story short, he needed someone to be the leader in the new prophecy, and he chose me.
"Okay, Okay. But chill. I have been watching over this 'Percy Jackson' guy, and he seems genuinely worried! Why don't you go back and give him a chance?" Apollo says. Even though he is an arrogant ass sometimes, he is a really good friend. "Yah, fine. I will. But under one condition." I say.
"What?" The Sun God asks.
"You get this prophecy going. I want to get it over with." I say.
"Deal. Off you go!" He says with a smirk. The next thing I know, I am standing on top of Half Blood Hill, and the whole place is covered in water. The ground is littered with bodies. The residents of the prophets house. All of my friends, Dead.
I run to each camper, and check their pulse. Only to find that they are unconscious. Not dead. Thank Hades.
I see Hazel, and run over. But something else catches my eye. I see a figure, in a black hoodie and jeans, curled in a ball. They are rocking back and forth, like they caused something that they wished they hadn't. Like they lost control.
I walk over to this person and here them mumbling.
"Can't lose control. No. Need him to help. Nico. Nico. Nico, where are you?" He mumbles.
"Percy?" I ask, and the figure turns his head and looks me dead in the eyes.
"Nico." He says. His face loses all of the worry that had painted it only moments before. He jumps up in lighting speed and envelopes me in a hug.
"Percy, what happened?" I ask.
"Okay. First, Luke's eyes turned gold and he passed out. But before that, he said, "They are coming." Then, I saw a weird vision of Kronos, in someone else's body, Tartarus and Gaea, all in a circle. They were chanting weird words. They were saying, "We swear, Gods of Olympus, that you will come tumbling down. We have heard the next Prophecy, and there is no way that a Blue Rose With Black Thorns will stop us." And then, I lost control. I screamed and flooded the whole camp. Only until I realized that no one but me could breathe under water, that I took the water away. I thought I killed everyone. Nico, I couldn't bear to lose you." He says, his eyes starting to tear up.
"It's okay, Percy. Everything's fine. No need to worry. Everyone is fine. Your fine. I'm fine." I say. He tenses up. Did I do something wrong?
"Nico, after you left, I went to your room, trying to find your email. Seeing if there were any clues to where you were and I found something. A story. It was were all of our friends and you were in a mental hospital and your problem was depression. I didn't get very far in the story, but I got to the part about the posters. I thought, "Hey, maybe I should look." And I did. I was shocked. Nico, you are not fine. You are broken. Please, please, show me your wrists." Percy says. Shit. Slowly and reluctantly I roll up my sleeves. Scars. Patterns not noticeable to people, but to me. They each were a letter. A letter to the name Percy Jackson.
"Nico. Oh gods. I am so sorry. Please don't ever do this again." He says.
"Okay, but I am broken, not able to be fixed." I say. "Don't worry, My Soldatino, I will fix you." Percy whispers.

Percy's POV Good Byes
After almost killing the camp, Nico and I slowly pulled all of the water out of my friends lungs. It is a relief to see that all of them are still alive.
"Percy, you had an anxiety attack. You either saw, heard, or experienced something that shocked you. Tell us what it is." Piper says.
Just before I tell them my vision, the floor collapses.
I wake up, to see a pair of very worried black-brown eyes looking at me.
"Percy, oh my gods, your awake. Guys, he's awake!" Nico yells, and soon I am surrounded by all of the residents of the Prophet's House. Including Annabeth. during my search for Nico, we made up. We aren't in a relationship, but we are best friends, like when we were 12 and searching for Zeus's Lightning Bolt. Oh, the good old days. Woah, I can't believe I am saying that the war with Kronos was the good old days.
Anyway, we were in a cave. The rubble had locked us in a room, full of rocks and spider webs.
"Guys, I found something! It seems totally ancient and cool!" Silena says.
We head over to the west wall, only to see a large paragraph. The writing in ancient greek.
"Ζωή έλεγχο Υιός του Θανάτου ,
Διαφορετικές φορά κορίτσι ,
Νεκρή κόρη του νεκρού ,
Ο Υιός του νερού θα πρέπει να πνιγεί ,
Την καρδιά της κόρης του Σοφίας θα πρέπει να συντριβεί , Ο Υιός του ουρανού θα πέσει κάπως προς τα κάτω
Η αδελφή του θα αντιμετωπίσει μια δύσκολη μοίρα , ότι Ρώμης Πραίτορα μοιράζονται
Απόγονος του Απόλλωνα είναι ένα σημαντικό κλειδί Και το μαντείο είναι η κλειδαριά
Δίδυμα θα αλυσοδένουν τον αδελφό
Ο αδελφός που είχε μια σκοτεινή πλευρά
Τιτάνες παιδί πρέπει να ενεργοποιήσετε την αδελφή τους . Ο κατάσκοπος πρέπει να επιστρέψει στη θέση του ,
μαζί με μια νέα πρόσληψη .

Παιδί φωτιά δεν μπορεί να σας σώσει .
Η κόρη του φρένου αγριογούρουνο βούληση.
Η φωνή της ομορφιάς δεν θα σας σώσει .
Ο γιος του Άρη θα πρέπει να οδηγήσει τις τάξεις
του επιστρέφεται και το επτά σπασμένα .
Η Μεγάλη Τρεις θα ενώσει
Καθώς ο κύκλος κλείνει ,
Τους μεγάλους θα πάρει εκδίκηση .
Αλλά ένα μπλε τριαντάφυλλο με μαύρο αγκάθια είναι η αδυναμία τους
"Nico spoke up, right after I finished reading.
"There is a new Prophecy. And we are all in it. That's why we are in the Prophets House. It has already started. That vision that Percy saw, was Gaea, Kronos and Tartarus getting together and planning an attack. Soon. I can sense it. Soon, we will be in a full scale war." Nico says. Even in the dim light emanating from the crack in the rocks, I can see the colour drain from everyone's faces.
"Okay, so, apparently, Connor and Travis are going to chain me up. Maybe it's for the best. I don't want Kronos taking over me again. Tie me up down here. Rachel can visit. If I am stuck down here, then I can do no damage." Luke says.
"No!" Rachel shouts, on the verge of tears.
"Shh, it's for the best Red. You can visit him a lot." Thalia says.
"What about me? I was the spy before, it says I will return to my post. With a new recruit, which I am guessing is Charlie. Tie me up to." Silena says. "Me too." Says Charles.
"Oh gods, we will miss you all so much! I will make sure we will all visit everyday with food and water. Oh, I have only known you for a year and a bit in Elysium, but I count you all as friends. When this war is over, I will be sure to free you personally." Bianca exclaims, hugging each. Her eyes seem to be tearing up.
"Okay, okay. I'll go get the damn rope. Sparkey, will you fly me up?" Leo says.
Soon, Jason and Leo are zipping out of the hole in the roof.
"So, what about me? It says I will turn on my sister. I bet it is me. Tie me up as well" Zoe says.
"Okay. We will miss you." Says Hazel.
Just then, Leo and Jason come flying back and hand Connor and Travis the rope.
"We love you bro. Even though you completely backstabbed us, we still love you." With that, they tied up all of the people in the cave that needed to be tied up.

"Percy," Luke says.
"Just remember, when the war starts, no place on heaven or earth will be safe. All but the water. Go there. When it's time."

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