48: Reaction

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The participants are all complete except for Dosu. Genma becomes the Proctor of Third Exam due to Hayate being send into Hospital due to his battle with Baki.

"Where is that Dosu guy?" Kankuro ask curiously.

"Why don't you ask Gaara on how polite he was talking to him? Right Gaara?" Gaara simply nodded which makes Kankuro paled. He now knows what happen to Dosu. He was killed by their Psychopath Brother.

"Kinuta Dosu is disqualified to participate the Third Exam. The three way battle between Nara Shikamaru, Temari of the Sand and him was cancelled. Only the two of you will fight later," Genma announced. He stick his senbon to his mouth and boredly look to the surrounding.

"All participants, move to the participant lounges expect Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Neji," all of the participants move upstairs to watch.

"Now, our first fighter, Uzumaki Naruto," Naruto look to Neji with grin. Neji just look passive. "And Hyuga Neji" on the audience place, Kiba completely confuse where is Hinata so he decided to find his other ex-classmate. He saw them with Tenten.

"Ino! Sakura!" Kiba went to them.

"Have you seen Hinata? I look to her since she was released in the Hospital weeks and a half ago. But ever since then, I don't see her at all," Kiba said worriedly. He sat next to Ino since he decided to join them.

"Choji too, I didn't see him around," Ino said worriedly too.

"Even Lee-kun. It was like they completely disappeared," Tenten said and sigh.

"They are strong, they will be okay," Sakura assured them but she too is worried since it is the first time she saw Naruto and Sasuke after the preliminaries. Kakashi trains her and focus only to her since he told her that Naruto and Sasuke needs to do something.

"But you know? I pitied Naruto. Neji is a real fighter and one of the strongest genin today. I'm sure he will— don't say that!" Ino look shock to Sakura who stop he from talking.

"Naruto is strong. Strong enough that this fight will be one sided favor to him. Don't judge him just because he was like a deadlast in our academy days!" Sakura said and tune down immediately.

"He will win I'm sure of it," Sakura said mumbling.

"I just hope too. Let Naruto teach him a lesson he will never forget!" Tenten sourly said. She still can't believe that Neji can hurt someone who don't do anything bad to him.

"He grows arrogantly and denying what he did to the preliminaries. It was clear that he already won since Hinata-san forfeit but he was a stuck up ass!" Tenten ranted and ranted about Neji which makes the three sweatdrop.

"Neither I nor them can't believe how arrogant he was," Kiba said and look to Neji with resent.

"I just hope that Naruto will teach him a good lesson," Kiba said. Akamaru goan a bit which Kiba immediately ask why to Akamaru.

"Uh? What?" Kiba look around and saw an ANBU. He look confuse to what's happening.

"Did something happen?" Kiba ask himself.

On the statium. Naruto look blankly to Neji. Neji on the other hand felt nervous but refuse to let Naruto know. He was too arrogant to let himself appeared weak in front of his opponent. Beside that, he can actually remember the threat Naruto told him before. Everything of his body told him to run away now.

"Ready to taste my sweet revenge? Let me toy you a bit and humiliated you hundreds of times," Naruto leak his bloodlust with a smile that featuring his fangs. His eyes become red so Neji immediately activate his Byakugan. All he see is Red. Too much red that he nearly blind him by just staring.

"Can't use your byakugan, eh? Its okay, lets play fair I'll let you use it," Naruto said. Neji went to his stances and smirk. He activate his Byakugan and now, he can see the flow of Naruto's Chakra.

"I'll let you know reality that fate told me, you'll lose to me today!" Neji said with a prideful tone.

"Lets see about that!" Naruto said and when to his Ambivalent Move Taijutsu. Shikamaru, Sasuke, and Shino smirk looking at his stances.

"It seems like he wanted to destroy Neji's confidence to his own abilities by crushing him using where he was good at," Shino muttered.

"He's really into too troublesome thing? Do he? Naruto can finish him with one move if he want to," Shikamaru said mumbling near the two.

"Too bad, Naruto just plan for him before to fix his problem. But Neji did something unpleasant to Naruto. You know him, you can hurt him, taunt him, broke him, he'll never care bur once you done it to his precious people, you're good as death," Sasuke said while looking to Naruto.

"He should be thankful that Hinata told Naruto not to kill him and hurt him too bad," Shino said monotonely.

"He should kill him," Gaara mumble. Sasuke laugh with Gaara's comment which makes him look confuse.

"Sometimes, Gaara, you will never know what are the things that runs into Naruto's head. He'll never be call as number one unpredictable ninja of Konoha," Sasuke said with a smile to Gaara and pat his shoulder. Both Kankuro and Temari look shock that Gaara's sand didn't react.

"He may be unpredictable, but you can read him," Gaara mumbles. Sasuke smile and nodded.

"He is my brother in all but blood," Sasuke said and look to the stadium.

Neji smirk specially after seeing Naruto is in Taijutsu stances.

"You're going to fight with Taijutsu? Me? A Hyuga? You're quite naive do you think? Whatever, now that you're giving me a free win, who am I to refuse?" Neji laugh but Naruto just stared him blankly.

"May the battle begin," with that, Naruto smirk and went immediately to Neji. He run and won't let Neji to have an advantage towards him. With his Taijutsu, he will crushed him without a doubt.

How dare he, hurting his Hinata-hime?

The poll is still standing. Should I continue the Naruto Shippuden part here or separate them?

 Should I continue the Naruto Shippuden part here or separate them?

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Next Chapter:
Naruto Vs Neji

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