108: Determined

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This day, they never really expect what happen. In front of them is each Village's representative. The tension between them rises immediately just seeing each other.

"What are you doing here? This is a border of Land of Fire, leave before I make you," Kakashi coldly said.

"Who are to order us? We are here to investigate what is that phenomenon that happen here days ago," Yugito talk back.

"It's Konoha's job to do it," Kurenai said.

The three Kazakage's children for Suna, Zabuza and Haku for Kiri, Kitsuchi and Akasuchi for Iwa, Yugito and Bee for Kumo, and Kakashi, and Asuma for Konoha appeared in one place.

A strong wind immediately blast out which cause them to look for where it came. They saw Tiger and Owl in full ANBU Gear looking to them with their sharp eyes. Even if they have a mask, their eyes still held sharpness which send everyone a chill to their spine.

"Leave, this place is restricted to all of you other than Konoha. Infiltrating our boarders with your powerful ninjas can declare war among our villages. Now go back before we all make you in our own way," Tiger coldly said. They can feel the chill of the place as if they are all in winter. Such a cold and powerful voice makes them all tense.

"They are dangerous, Bee. I can sense a powerful power inside them. I bet my life they can restrain me," Gyuki said inside Bee.

"Don't worry my dear partner, Killer Bee will take their Leader, fool ya fool!" Killer Bee rapped. Yugito wanted to slap him right now. But since Matatabi told them to be wary of the two newly arrive ANBU's it means they are powerful enough to restrain them.

They don't have a choice but to retreat. They know this two, the famous member of Elite ANBU from Konoha who have the highest bounty on their head in the history of Shinobi World. But no one really care how much money you'll offer because no one manage to even scratch this group when they debut in the Ninja World.


"What really happen here? What was thst blast 4 days ago and the potent chakra around this place? I did see an explosion here," Kakashi ask the two. Zabuza, Haku, and the three children of Kazekage went near to them.

"How, Naruto-nii and Sasuke-nii?" Gaara monotonely ask.

"We had a fight to one of Akatsuki's member who have a power to use seals and can hypnotize the others. The explosion came from Sasuke-san and Naruto-kun's Battle. First, it was Naruto-kun who was hypnotized but Sasuke manage to knock him out and remove the seal with Lee-kun. But Sasuke did hypnotized too so they frought at the valley of end. Sasuke manage to escape the hypnotism but in exchange he was suck by a black portal and deliver him to another dimension. For now, Sasuke-san's true body is missing. As long as his Blood Clone who was in the Konoha, didn't pop up, Sasuke-san is still alive," Hinata explain.

"What do you mean Blood Clone?" Kakashi ask.

"We need to leave the Konoha for the mean time, Hatake-san. This mission was something that can change our status and situation of the whole Elemental Continent. Naruto-kun cannot stay in Konoha for a while. But we'll be back when we finish this research. For now, please don't tell anyone that the us in Konoha is just Blood Clone," Shikamaru explain.

"I trust all of you that you know what are you doing," Kakashi said. Asuma nodded and smile.

"Good luck to you, if we can help you to find Sasuke, you can order us. Sasuke is a loyal ninja of Konoha. We'll save them no matter what if you order," Asuma said.

"Thank you, Asuma," Shikamaru said. All of them leave to report to their respective leaders to the information they got.


"One more!  Fang Beast Formation!" Kiba shouted. He was panting heavily in their Clan Compound but he was too determine to become strong so both him and Akamaru push themselves until they can't walk.

"Kiba, you know how dangerous is if you overwork yourself. Please rest for a while," Tsume beg him.

"No, Mom! Don't you see? Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino and Hinata is leaving us behind in terms of power. All of them is a Jounin when we are only an Academy student. I don't want to fall behind. Beside, this is what you want me to do right? To take my training seriously," Kiba said panting.

"I know, I did tell you to take your training seriously but you're seriously harming yourself. The training regimen that Lord Fifth gave us for you is really hard but managable, I don't want to see you to continue like this. It might end your ninja career!" Tsume said. Kiba felt shock but he understand that his mother is just worried.

"Fine," Kiba dejectedly said.


"I did it Dad!" Ino happily said and hug his father who was laughing.

"Good job, Ino. This Training Regimen that Lord Fifth gave us really fits you well," Inoichi said. Ino grin to his father.

"I wanted to surpass Hinata-chan. If she can be this strong because of hard work and determination, then I will become strong too," Ino said as her inner spirit is lifted. Inoichi nodded.


"Stand up!" Tsunade said. Sakura didn't complain even if she felt her limbs is aching.

"I-I wanted to be strong like them! I don't want to just look at there back!  No matter how difficult my training is! I'll do it!" Sakura declared. Tsunade smirk looking to her.

"You are really a worthy apprentice, Sakura. Naruto didn't disappoint me for recommending you to me," Tsunade said looking proud to Sakura. Sakura flush in red and smile.

"I'll make you proud, Lady Tsunade," Sakura said and bow.

"Alright! Next round!" Tsunade shouted.

"Yes!" They continue the dodging session c of Sakura.


"Seal was too hard but useful. Lee's advice is really helpful too," Tenten awkwardly said.

"Right," Neji awkwardly reply. Neji is now slowly gaining the trust of everyone. Ever since the Chunin Exam, he was trying to make himself a better person. Now, they are following the training regimen that Naruto gave them. Neji vow to himself that someday, he will manage to pay his debt to him.


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