65: Ashura and Indra

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"After Kaguya was sealed, Hagoromo began wandering the world, to restore the land ravaged by the fight against the Ten-Tails, and to find homes for the tailed beasts. He restored bridge by bridge and atone his self proclaimed sin, Hagoromo begins amassing more followers, and finds places where he could release the tailed beasts. Hagoromo's followers scatter, spreading Ninshū across the world. On his deathbed, Hagoromo releases the tailed beasts to the places he found. After his journey was done, Hagoromo returned to the Land of Ancestors, where he married and had two children, though his wife died after giving birth to Ashura. Unnoticed by Hagoromo, Black Zetsu set his sights on his sons," Shikamaru observed Naruto and Sasuke, so he immediately saw the slight cringe of Sasuke and Naruto when Naruto said the word Black Zetsu.

"Ninshu?" Shino ask.

"Ninshu is the religion and the peaceful precursor of modern ninjutsu created by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the first one to understand and teach the mystery of chakra. The teachings of ninshū were meant to give people a better understanding of themselves, as well as others, and lead the world into an era of peace. Ninshū would eventually come to be known as ninjutsu, a more weaponised version of the Sage's teachings. You are actually using it without knowing. One of it usage is our flying technique," Sasuke explain.

"I didn't know that Ninshu is the old name of Ninjutsu. Well, except it was more peaceful and calm," Hinata murmur.

"The two son grow with a strong bond. As Ashura is a bit physically smart than book smart, he was always behind his brother Indra who become a proclaimed genius in their growing Clan. Ashura adored and idolize his brother. He never been jealous to him. While Indra often teach his little brother specially if he struggles so much in Ninshu and their study," Naruto added.

"Such a bond, it looks like your bond, Naruto. Too strong that if it was break, everything will be in vain," Lee commented again.

"As they grow, Indra showcases his talent at manipulating chakra to his father, brother, and other ninshū followers, calling the hand formations used to shape the chakra "seals" and the effects "jutsu". Indra's innovations change ninshū, giving it practical, everyday uses. From the shadows, Black Zetsu observes Indra. Indra shares his concerns about the potential applications of jutsu with Hagoromo, who argues that if Indra had not had such a breakthrough, someone else would have. Indra and Ashura spar. Futami one of the oldest member of Otsutsuki Clan, mentions to Hagoromo he believes the future of ninshū would be safe under Indra's leadership. But all of them didn't know that it was only start of everything,"  Naruto continue.

"So he was like a version of Sasuke," Choji commented while eating.

"Both Naruto-kun and Sasuke are genius. But I agree to you that Indra is more like Sasuke. From what I can grasp, he was clearly a serious type and Ashura as cheerful type," Hinata commented. The two smile as they see that their team is starting to grasp their secrets.

"Ashura started to for more bond and play with others while Indra started to isolate himself training himself. As black Zetsu started to slowly corrupting Indra's mind. black Zetsu told him the secret of Sharingan. If he lose someone he loves, he will unlock a power more than anyone. On the other hand, Ashura is being attack by a big boar, they thought the Ashura's Ninshu can help them out. But Ashura is not as good as Indra so he struggle to do something, until the last minute before the boar came to them, Indra saves Ashura and his friends, noticing the fears that build up in Indra's heart for losing his brother, he awake his sharingan," Sasuke added. He remember it clearly. The start of his madness as Indra. The start of the crack in their bond because of the hateful creatures named Black Zetsu.

"Indra express violence on how he deal the situation. He almost broke out the one who put Ashura to that position, even if Ashura already forgive him. Luckily Hagoromo intervenes and told Indra that he was being too strict and violent if it can be dealt in more peaceful way. One of the days after that, Hagoromo and Ashura discuss the eyes of Indra that it was different from them," Naruto continues.

"Its cracking. That hateful Black Zetsu, he's destroying a great bond by corrupting one of them!" Lee exclaimed. Well, he was certainly the only one who frequently react in the story.

"The day comes when Hagoromo is to decide his successor as the leader of Ninshū. Hagoromo hands them scrolls, each one with a location that was damaged by the fight against the Ten-Tails. Hagoromo wants each to go to a location, and solve whatever problem remains. He will pick his successor based on the results. Ashura is baffled by Hagoromo's decision, having neither the skill nor the desire to take over Ninshū, willing to simply aid Indra. Hagoromo discusses the two with Gamamaru as the two depart. Ashura notices Taisō following him. Taisō explains that after telling his mother of what Ashura did for him, she told him to go aid him in his journey. The two journey to where the God Tree used to be, finding a village there," Sasuke felt weird by telling them that story. It should be Naruto's part and not him.

"Ashura and Taiso struggle so hard to solve the root of its problem. At first the villagers thought that Ashura decided to dig a water for the whole village to make a well. The long term solution that Ashura thought while investigating the situation. The God Tree certainly made their land nourish but at the same time, the God Tree also becomes a danger to the village that many of them died because of this. It takes Ashura more than a year to resolve the problem but Indra on the other hand, only takes a few months. His solution is to kill the entire village so the problem will be solve immediately," Naruto cringe. Ir should be Sasuke's part not him.

Naruto look to his team, all of them didn't expect what Indra did to the problem.


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