3: Rock Lee

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Naruto begun to train himself. From Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Medical Ninjutsu of Hashirama, Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, some Kinjutsu and his Senjutsu from Ashura and his Uzumaki Clan. He had a seal in his body which possess a lot of books. He often summon Gamakitchi to learn how to read and write every night before he sleep.

After two years of training, he become strong enough to par in Low to mid Chunin.

He stroll around and saw a bunch of Academy Students who insulting someone to their peer. This caught Naruto's attention so he watch the boy and saw how he was determine to become a Ninja. He smile and continue to watch him the next two weeks.

"It is not the proper way to train yourself. You'll just self distruct if you continue that kind of training," he said which makes the boy stop and look to him.

"Are you here to insult me as I didn't know how to use Genjutsu and Ninjutsu?" He said sadly.

"If you can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, why don't you try Senjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Kenjutsu, and even Fuinjutsu aside from Taijutsu? This only requires will, hard work, stamina, focus, and determination which I all saw to you," he calmly said and smile.

"Aside from Taijutsu I can use another type of technique?" He ask and Naruto nodded.

"Want me to teach you?" The boy's face brighten up and hug him.

"I will! I will do my best!" Thr boy exclaim which makes Naruto chuckle.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and you are?" Naruto ask.

"Rock Lee! At your service Naruto-sensei!" Then he bow.

"Meet me in Ichiraku Ramen Stand tomorrow after your class. For now, I want you to meditate until the sun goes down. While meditating, I want you to feel your surrounding because tomorrow, I'll ask you what will happen. Got that?" Rock Lee salute and smile.

"Yes! Sensei!" Naruto smile and vanish.

After Naruto vanish, Lee do what Naruto told him and feel the surrounding. He don't know why but he felt so relax.


3 in the afternoon when Lee finish the class. He was excited to meet Naruto and learn a lot of things. He will become the best ninja here and will create his own name.

He run quickly and reach the Ichiraku Ramen Stand. He enter the stand and saw Naruto who's eating his ninth bowl of Ramen.

"Welcome to Ichiraku!" Ayame greeted.

"So the class is already finish, Lee?" Naruto slurp the soup of Ramen quickly as he put his money at the table.

"Yes Naruto-san," Lee quickly reply.

"Okay! Ayame-nee chan thank you for the meal," Naruto shouted.

"Welcome Naruto-kun, come back again!" Naruto gesture him to follow so Lee follows him. They went to his apartment and he put some seal to Lee.

"Lee, promise me not to tell anyone about this place, okay?" Lee nodded, so Naruto activated the seal portal to one of doors and both of them went inside.

"Welcome to my home as well as my training grounds," Naruto said. Lee can't help but to be amaze. The whole place is full of Nature vibes. A lot of birds are chirping and he saw a big house not that far away to the portal.

"This place is already near in the outside of Konoha. We use one of Fuinjutsu to create a portal so we can arrive here immediately," Lee nodded and smile.

"So first thing first, what did you feel when you meditate yesterday?" They walk near at the falls and both seat in the rock.

"I feel like its was too relaxing. My body feels too light and I can clearly hear my surrounding and felt that I can see wind even if it was impossible," Naruto chuckle and started his lecture.

"It was the beginning of the technique call Senjutsu or Chakra Nature. Senjutsu is one of the type of Technique that istoo difficult to master specially to someone who didn't met the simple requirements it had. Requirements are too simple, all you just need is focus, determination, and flexibility to your surrounding which clearly you all have. Senjutsu didn't required chakra inside your body but more on external Chakra. So even it you cannot tap your chakra inside your body, you can use the external chakra to do this. Senjutsu is two times dangerous than Ninjutsu specially only small amount of people can master it," Naruto explain.

"External Chakra? If Senjutsu is rare, how come I can master it?" Lee ask curiously.

"It was all because of what you feel thru your meditating. You felt as one to your surrounding and even told me that you felt as if you can see the wind even if its not. It was a sign that you are flexible to the Nature so you can master it with your determination and focus," Naruto explain.

"Wow! It was amazing!" Lee shouted.

"Aside from Senjutsu, I will also test you if you can be fit to study Fuinjutsu. Fuinjutsu is extremely valuable type of technique. If you are a seal master, anything can be possible just like to use ninjutsu technique even if you cannot. Let me  give you an example," Naruto did a series of hand sign with a fast movement.

"Sealing art: Water release: Water punch!" A big water form into fist and punch the rock. Then he did another series of hand sign.

"Water release: Water punch!" Same effect but Lee widen his eyes on what he feel to the two.

"So they are the same technique but the first one is with seals and the second is pure ninjutsu. Now how can you differentiate the two?" Naruto ask.

"The first one, you didn't release any chakra and it don't have the Chakra aura but still the same effect as the second. The second had the aura of Chakra and had an overwhelming waves of its power," Lee said immediately.

"Your right, so sealing didn't need chakra but you need to be extremely good in calligraphy, focus and creativity," Lee felt so excited. With the two types of that Technique, he can be powerful.


Next Chapter:Rock Lee's Training

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Rock Lee's Training

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