8: The Uchiha Massacre And Indra

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Three days after the training with Body Flicker, He saw Shikamaru practicing his chakra coating. He was laying about the water near in the waterfalls while coating his whole body not to get get.

This was one of Shikamaru's favorite exercises since he can practice while watching clouds and just laying his whole body. The others are combining the chakra control exercises like Hinata who balancing herself into a Kunai while doing it in the water with leaf exercise. She had the perfect chakra control so she become the Medic Nin to their group. The others just like Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, and Lee had the basic type. Lee is special since he can't use ninjutsu, he can't also use medical ninjutsu so he had a manual type of basic.

But Lee pursuit it so he had started to do more advance lesson with Naruto but he use manual type specially using herbs and surgeries. With him creating his own Taijutsu style really impress Naruto. He can safely says that Lee is a genius too.

Shino started to study poison which was a great asset to him and his bug.

Naruto started to train them for their Elemental Affinities. He just know why Hinata can't master their Clan's Taijutsu.

Their Clan Taijutsu, Gentle fist is an earth type taijutsu. But Hinata had water affinity as her primary affinity added with her personality, she needs to double her effort for it to master since Earth is her third affinity.

Choji was the one who improve a lot them. He recreate their family technique and his senses double so much. His speed double thats why he become formidable. If he add his affinity to his family Technique he will be much more dangerous.

Shikamaru well, he was the smartest among them second to Naruto that had a lot of experience from his previous life. He manage to create light with his shadow which means, even if there is now light around, he can use the darkness to his advantage too. He can become the shadow itself which is much more useful for spying. With this, he can now shape shift his shadow with a black lines and levitate it if he want to.


Naruto meet with Sasuke but when he was near at the Uchiha District, he can feel tension to everyone. He don't know but he felt that something will happen.

Just like his deduction, three days after the second year of academy started with the batch of his friends, Uchiha Massacre happen.

He move immediately and took every Sharingan of each Uchiha and put a fake Sharingan to them. Then he corner Itachi who wss now ready to depart.

"Are you going to the Akatsuki base?" Naruto ask. Itachi was beyond but he smile and nodded.

"If you wanted to spy with them, be careful to Uchiha Obito. He was the one who had a orange spiral mask who pretend to be Madara. Be wary to Pein too and try to he had a Reinnigan that came from the real Madara. He had an orange hair. Make sure to win his trust so you can know where his real body. His real body name Nagato be careful not get caught," Naruto warn.

Itachi was now beyond shock, how did he manage to know about it? Jiyara will die to this kind of information.

"How did you know about this, Naruto-kun?" Naruto use teleportation to go at the middle of Fire Country boarders.

"I have my way how. I'll be the one to take care of Sasuke. Now win the trust of that two. This scroll will only be read by you. Use your blood to open it. Even someone will see it, this letter will convert to their eyes a letter from Sasuke. You need to be careful since they are really dangerous. This had an information about a lot of things I told you," Naruto gave him a cylinder with Shisui's eyes.

"I grab Shisui's eyes to Danzo. I'll transplant it to you now to my dimension so that you'll gain ESM. Please trust me, Itachi-nii," Itachi sigh and nodded. Then both of them vanish. Naruto started to transplant Shisui's eyes and heal him immediately. This makes everything to Naruto went smooth.

"Obito is already in Konoha checking to your masterpiece. He'll wait you at the end of Fire Country boarder, good luck Itachi-nii," Itachi smile and nodded again. Things become more interesting to him. Just like what Naruto said, he saw Obito at the boarder.


Naruto didn't went home but he inform Lee about it. He told the others that he need to do something so he can't train them personally that time. Thats why a Shadow Clone was with them to guide them to their elemental technique.

He stay where Sasuke is staying which is the hospital.

After waiting, Sasuke woke up seeing Naruto with a smile. He immediately smirk and chuckle.

"Ashura," he greeted.

"Indra," Naruto said.

"Welcome back," he added and hug his long lost brother.

"Why your still here? I kill you many times and tried to kill you many times, I kill our Father but you still sticking to me?" Sasuke whisper.

"Nii-san, you are my brother no matter what. I always wanted us to be like before, being brothers and you spoiling me as your otouotou. Aniki, please come back. I'm tired, tired of fighting you," Naruto is now crying which broke Sasuke's heart. Even if he was hesitating, he hug his younger brother and comfort him.

"I'm sorry, for breaking your heart and become Grandma's tool," he whisper. They stay like that which makes Sasuke smile and sleep peacefully.


The next day, Naruto dash inside the Hokage's office while grinning. When he saw that Hiruzen is alone, he immediately activate a Privacy Seal but much advance to the Hokage's seal because they will not be able to lip read and hear any of their conversation.

"Jiji! I went to Sasuke yesterday, can he move on my compound? He's a little bit lonely to Uchiha District," Naruto said with a smile. The ANBU's can't hear him bur when they saw the Hokage chuckle even without hearing their conversation, they relax.

"Well, why not? Go and tell him. Is there something else?" Naruto went near to the Hokage and saw how tired his Jiji was.

"Well, Jiji, why didn't you use Shadow Clone to help you with that papers? You look haggard today," Hiruzen was stunned but begun to laugh loudly this allow Naruto to put a seal on Hiruzen's skin to protect his mind from the memories of Shadow Clone.

"Thank you, Naruto-kun!" Naruto grin and wave to Hiruzen before vanishing.


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