Chapter 8

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Henry looked up at the clock, it was now almost one in the morning, Jaylyn hadn’t returned and he was beginning to think she wouldn’t. After all, he had seen her leave at almost twelve, if she was the killer and had been lying all this time, he doubted she would face him after that. He was just starting to doze off again from getting up so early and having sleepless nights, when Abe’s alarmed voice shouted down the stairs making him jump to his feet and run up the stairs. Abe ushered him to the stairs that led to their living quarters and began to quickly walk up them.

            “Henry, come quickly its Jaylyn.” Abe led him upstairs but paused halfway up and turned to him as a thought came to his mind. “Don’t be upset, I didn’t have much of a choice.”

            “What do you mean? Abe what has happened?” Henry demanded as he looked up at the top of the stairs.

            “You’ll see.” Abe guided him up the rest of the way and moved so Henry could see whom he was talking about.

            What Henry saw didn’t make him happy. Adam was standing there with a bloodstain on the shoulder of his shirt while Jaylyn was lying on the couch unmoving with drying blood on her head. “What’s going on? Why are you here Adam?”

            “I found the man you’re after.” Adam replied simply. “I didn’t see his face, his hood was still up. Funny, you should have seen it, for someone who just hit by a car they managed to run pretty fast.”

            “You ran them over!” Henry growled as he glared at the immortal in frustration. “It doesn’t help a case if the murderer is murdered... more so if it’s by you!”

            “I said he lived didn’t I?” Adam walked closer to Jaylyn. “I found her in the graveyard, there was a body of a little boy nearby so looks like you’ll have another victim to check out, Jaylyn must’ve tried to protect him. They had their throat slit and a broken spine, cause of death isn’t that hard to determine.”

            “How did you know she was there?” Henry got closer and started to examine the cut on the back on her skull. “It’ll need stitches, Abe can you grab them? They should be in my closet… Other than that she has a mild concussion that should clear up in a day or two.”

            Henry noticed Adam was still staring at him with a cold stare as he avoided his question. “I trusted you to keep her out of your problems Henry. Not only that, but I warned her not to let you get her into these situations. Why is it you let her go off to find the same man who is trying to kill her, alone?”

            “I didn’t know where she was going or what she was planning you can’t blame me for this.” Henry replied as he tried to cool his boiling temper. He really couldn’t stand Adam, no matter what Abe or Jaylyn said about him just ‘having a bad past’ or he ‘just had different ways of reaching his goals’.

            Abe came back and handed Henry the kit, they stood in temporary silence as he worked with practiced ease to stitch the cut closed. He threw away the needle and the remaining bloody gauze, when he came back Abe had left along with Adam, though he heard voices talking from down the hall. Following the sound of conversation he saw Abe leaving Jaylyn’s room where Adam was sitting at the foot of the bed staring at the wound on the back of Jaylyn’s head.

            “She’ll be fine now, unless you would rather kill her so she doesn’t have to take the time to heal.” Henry told him, uncomfortable that his enemy was so relaxed.

            “I don’t kill without reason Henry.” Adam chided him like a child. “Abe said I could stay to keep an eye on her while you’re at work.”

            “I told you she isn’t going to die.”

            “I didn’t mean incase she dies. You know how she is by now as well as I do, when she wakes up where do you think she’ll want to go?”

            That answer was simple; Henry knew Jaylyn would want to get back to the precinct to help solve the cases, not caring how injured she was so long as she could find the killer and stop him. “Just this once Adam. After tomorrow you’re gone.”

            “Just a warning, they’ll find her blood at the crime scene so if you don’t want another friend framed… I would make sure they don’t find it.” Adam replied calmly, unfazed by Henry’s dislike of him.

            “I don’t know what you’ve filled Abe or Jaylyn’s mind with, but no matter what you say or do I will never trust you.” Henry walked out to leave the immortal to his thoughts.

            Henry could guess Jaylyn had gone to the cemetery because of the message’s mistake that he had cast off earlier but he didn’t know why she wouldn’t tell him about it or why she had lied about talking to Abe about the past. What he did know was that Adam was nothing but a serial killer, he might help out occasionally, but nothing he did would ever make up for the people he had killed or made others kill, specifically Jaylyn and Jack. Then again, if he didn’t trust Adam why was he trusting Jaylyn, his right hand woman in his crime? The question bothered him and he pushed it to the back of his mind hoping it would be forgotten.

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