Chapter 12

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Jaylyn picked up a pen as the couple was taken to the morgue, it was covered in a clear liquid and she could smell the bitter almond like substance a few inches away. She saw Henry and Jo turn to look back at her, as she stood there unmoving while everyone else was finishing up roping off the crime scene.

            “Henry, I know what killed them.” Jaylyn informed him as they came over.

            It didn’t take him long to figure it out ether. “Poison, Cyanide, to be specific. One of the most common ways to kill someone.”

            “Surely that isn’t enough to kill two people though.” Jo replied as she looked at the bloody pen.

            “Possibly not, but they were also stabbed in vital areas of the body. The blood loss and this fast killing poison combined would have killed them in less than about six minutes.” Jaylyn replied as she thought back to her experience with this toxin.

            “Well we have to test it at the lab to be sure and do a full autopsy on the bodies but I’m sure our hunch is correct.” Henry told them before walking away to get his grueling job over with.

            “This has to stop…” Jaylyn sighed. “If this keeps up how many people will still be here?”

            “Lucas is inexperienced in this, despite what he knows he’ll make a mistake sooner or later.” Jo told her. “Just knowing something is an entirely different concept than being experiencing or performing the task.”

            “I don’t know… he murdered his own sister and was able to act guilt free. That’s a sign of mental problems, people with those don’t exactly have a problem with performing tasks like this.”

            Jaylyn watched as Henry went over the corpses’ taking notes here and there about their appearance and injuries. Jo was standing by her side where Hanson had been a few moments ago before he had excused himself to go call the families of the deceased, in her opinion though it was just a way to get away from the sight and smell of the bodies. Even now, a few hours after their deaths they still had that bitter almond like smell when Henry cut them open, it was silent for a long time during the autopsy. Lucas wasn’t there to comment, Henry couldn’t correct him, and now everyone was just left to their own thoughts.

            Eventually Henry stopped and looked up at them. “They inhaled Cyanide as well… probably to weaken them as he finished them off without attracting too much attention.”

            “But how could Lucas take out two of them?” Jo asked him. “At least one of them could have called for help.”

            “Pretend I’m Lucas and you two are these victims.” Henry moved them into position. “You’re just leaving a bar, looking at their bodies they were a bit drunk, and here I am ready to kill whoever is unlucky enough to walk behind the bar.”

            Jaylyn felt Henry place a hand over her mouth as he came up behind her and saw him pretend to stab Jo below the ribs with a pen. “Now, the rag that would have been in my hand would have Cyanide in it just like the pen. While you inhaled the poison Jo would have been stabbed with it. I’m guessing the shock and pain kept them quiet until he managed to stab the first one and waited as they bleed out and suffocated to death before leaving.”

            She felt the pen poke her between the shoulder blades before he released her and backed away. Jaylyn turned to face him with an eyebrow raised. “You got all that from the bodies?”

            “Well yes, them and the crime scene.” Henry replied. “Any one could figure out if they knew what to look for.”

            “I’ve learned not to doubt you.”

            Hanson walked over to them from the elevator, careful, Jaylyn noticed, not to look at the bodies. “Lieutenant wants to see us upstairs… doesn’t look good.”

            “Is it another body?” Jo asked quickly.

            “No, but it is about the case.”

            Jaylyn glanced at the others who reflected her look of worry on their faces. “Well this can’t be good.”

            They made their way to Lieutenant Reece’s office where she motioned for them to shut the door as she walked towards them. “Do you know why I called you in here?”

            “About the murder case with Lucas Wahl.” Jo replied as their boss stopped in front of them.

            “What about that case?”

            Jaylyn stepped forward slightly. “We haven’t caught him yet and people are still dying because of it.”

            “Precisely.” Reece glowered at them. “I chose you four to work here despite some of your odd out of the box ways because they helped solve countless murders. But now, you seem to be failing to find one man! Don’t tell me the best detectives and medical examiner I have can’t find the killer, who may I remind you, is your former employee Lucas.”

            “We’re still looking for him… we just got distracted by the victims.” Henry apologized.

            “Yes, we get this every day now, every night at the same exact time so why aren’t we closing this case yet?”

            “We don’t know when or where Lucas will strike next.” Hanson told her, somewhat uncomfortably.

            Jaylyn thought about all of the places Lucas had murdered people at, first Jo’s place, then the Hudson, third a cemetery, and now behind the bar she had gone to with him when she first started here. All the murder weapons belonged to a person who worked here including the pen, which belonged to Reece, and it dawned on her.

            “I think I know!” Jaylyn spoke up, causing everyone to stop their arguing. “Think about it, he’s used things that belong to everyone here except two people… Henry and myself.”

            “How does this tell us where he will strike next?” Hanson asked.

            “Because, he doesn’t have anything of ours he could use against us and the antique shop would be the perfect place to hit Henry where he lives as a threat.”

            “Why just me?” Henry questioned.

            “Because I’m not the one who constantly walked away as he tried talking to you as you left work.”

            “Think about it Lieutenant, it makes sense. I guarantee this is the place he will hit tonight.”

            Reece nodded at her. “Okay, I’ll go with it, we don’t have anything better to go on. What’s the plan?”

            Jaylyn glanced at Henry. “It’s risky, I’m not sure you’ll all like it but I think it’s the best way to catch him.”

            “Go on.”

            “We could hide around the area so we could spot him coming, Henry, you won’t like this, but we need bait… and something tells me Lucas wouldn’t mind having a go at you.” She explained. “You’ll be completely safe though, Hanson, Jo, Reece, and I will all be watching and armed.”

            Henry looked uncertain for a moment and Reece spoke up. “You don’t have to do this Dr. Morgan. We can find someone else.”

            “No, no… I’ll do it.” Henry replied. “I want to catch Lucas before anyone else is killed.”

            “Well then, we’ll meet at your place around ten tonight to get ready and clear the traffic down.”

            “Sounds great.” Jaylyn agreed. “We’ll be waiting.”

            “Then you four are dismissed.” 

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