chapter seven: Realization

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Jullian's POV

I opened my eyes to see the slayer's face next to mine I took that opportunity to plant a kiss on her lips.

She looked like she was in eternal bliss.

Pulling back I started to plant open mouthed kisses along her jaw down her throat she tasted delicious her blood pulsing under my lips .

A whimpered escaped her beautifully red lips making my member pulse aching with the need to be one with her.

I want to just take her now but I knew if I rushed with her I would only lose her. Slowly unziping her leather suit my breath caught .

Lace .She was wearing lace .
I hissed through my teeth, god she was beautiful.

Before I could go any further, her eyelids shot open exposing her icy blue eyes.

Her expression was laced with fury, rage and embarrassment.

My sleeping maiden had awoken from her deep slumber.

"Y-you foul demon how dare you touch me!" She practically spat at me. "Say it don't spray it." I joked.

She was practically fuming with anger. Her hips swaying from side to side while she paced.

She stopped pacing and looked straight at me her icy blue eyes penetrating my soul.

She stared for a while and then she spoke

"I think I love you."

Author's note

Hello every one its been a long while since I updated so here it is its short but sweet anyway hope you enjoy byeeeee.

The slayer(discontinued Same Reason As The Other Book)Where stories live. Discover now