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The next day
The lunch bell rings and Sierra and Billie walk to the cafeteria
Billie: Aye bro this bitch tryna fuck...Aye bro this bitch-

Sierra: I GET IT someone want to ride- B-Billie isn't that they guy from the hospital yesterday
Billie: Yeah he is probably looking for you
Sierra: did you know he went to this school
Billie: like you said he is a pretty boy we stay away let's go

Que: HEY...wait up
Sierra: OMG OMG he's coming over here pretend I said something funny...uhh.. Aye bro this bitch tryna fuck
It's way to easy to make her laugh

Que: hey you're the girl that left her pin in my car right?
Sierra: oh hey yeah
Que: what's up with her
Sierra: she's a dumb ass
Billie: AM NOT
Sierra: Ayo bro this bitch tryna fuck
Sierra: dumb ass
Que: Okay??? Mind if I sit with y'all
Billie: why would you want to your like popular and have other hot girls to sit with
Sierra: Billie don't be rude... of course you can

When we walked off I saw how annoyed Billie looked I didn't want him to sit with us either but I didn't want to be rude.

Sierra: BILLIE
Billie: coming..uggh

A/N I'm trying to write less like a script but it hard when I'm literally COPYING A SCRIPT 🙄 I'm trying

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