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I woke up to Finneas screaming at me to get up and get ready. If you couldn't tell he is the morning person and is wide awake by 6AM.

Billie: SHUT THE FUCK UPPP... ITS 7 IN GOD DANM MORNING, I'll Get up in a little
Finneas: Would you get up if I told you your plan to see Sierra is coming together
Billie: umm...YES
Billie: Okay but what part more follower? People asking for an album? A tour?
Finesse: Better innerscope want to sign you. I just made an appointment with them at 10. You will sing and talk things out. Like future plans and stuff
Billie: AHHHH...I'm going to see my baby againnn
Finneas: That's if she hears your stuff or like friends or some shit
Billie: Oh she will she already knows one of the song so when we record it at put it out she will know it's me.
Finneas: What song?
Billie: you'll see

The appointment went great. We talked out everything I sang a few songs. I wanted to sign but Finneas told me to tell them we will get back to them even tho we already knew. He said it was more professional that way or whatever. They wanted to put out an EP after we signed and because we already knew we were going to sign we went home and started working on it.

Billie: AHHHHH...I can't wait I can't wait III can'ttt waitt
Finneas: Ha, how you wanna do this. Do you have a melody some lyrics. What about that song you were talking about earlier that Sierra knew.
Billie: No I wanna put that out when I know 100 percent she will hear it. We have to put Ocean eyes on it.  Oh oh because I'm depressed as shit I wanna do
One on how I feel
Finneas: Okayyyy, so how do you feel
Billie: like I don't wanna be me anymore
Finneas: okay...Fast or slow
Billie: I don't want both fast and slow
Finneas: I got you

We worked on the song For a few hours didn't take me long since I was writing my feelings, and of course I had to write some thing about Sierra in it. "If I love you was a promise would you break it if you're honest" That really came from what finneas said about her moving on. That shit still lingers in my head.

Finneas: listen to this tell me if you wanna use it.

Phineas played this recording of him playing his guitar. It kinda sounded bad ass so I knew the song had to be bad ass. After a few seconds of the recording I already had the melody in mind. We both were just Saying a bunch of random shit

Billie: sitting all alone mouth full of gum in the drive way
Finneas: What the fuck does that mean
Billie: I don't even fucking know hahaha
Finneas: My friends aren't far In the back of my car are there body's
Billie: No...Lay Their bodies, We just killed all these hoes Hahah

After that the rest of the song was easy. We got halfway done with that song before it was 12 and we both were tired shit less

When I woke up I saw this girl that dressed up like me and was doing cheer stunts on the peer, While every one was screaming my name and was wanting a picture, but she acted like a bitch to everyone there, so I started getting the hate because they thought it was me.

Finneas: What's wrong?
Billie: someone was out on the peer this morning pretending to be me and was being a bitch to the people that thought it was me
Finneas: So she is being a copycat
Billie: Exactly she is ruining my career before it's even a career
Finneas: just go on insta and tell them


Billie: I can't believe this

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Billie: I can't believe this...There is more look at this shit
Billie: They All a bunch or copycats...Call me cocky, but they better love me because they are a fucking clone
Finneas: Holly shit we should make that a song

The song took us all day to put together. We called the record label told them we wanted to sign. We also told them we had started on the EP.

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