-chapter 1: fangirls-

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You did not like Kageyama's fangirls. Not one bit.

Although this was partially because they annoyed Kageyama, you just didn't understand why someone would want to be crowding around their crush who is clearly bothered by all the attention. Especially with someone like Kageyama Tobio.

Kageyama wasn't that popular, but at least four or five girls in the grade openly liked him, and that was something. As someone who was usually avoided in middle school, he obviously didn't know how to handle this newfound popularity.

When you walked in to your usual class for homeroom one morning and sat down, your mood instantly dropped the tiniest bit when you heard:

"Oh-! Good morning, Kageyamaa~!"

You felt a slight frown overcome your face as one of the familiar voices filled the classroom, signaling that one, or several, of Kageyama's fangirls had entered, probably following him.

You glanced over and...! What do you know. It's them. At least there are only two right now, you thought to yourself. The less, the better.

"..'Morning." Kageyama responded in his usual 'you-girls-annoy-me-out-of-my-mind-but-what-can-I-do-about-it' voice.

The girls giggled in their annoying way and tried to make small talk with him about topics that he clearly didn't care about. Not that the girls would notice.

You sighed and looked out the window as you waited for the first bell to finally ring, which would force the girls to go to their actual homerooms instead of hanging out with Kageyama.

I mean, if you're going to talk to Kageyama, maybe ask him how his practice game went yesterday, you thought. Or how his training is going with his team. Or what techniques he has been improving on recently in volleyball...y'know, stuff he actually might enjoy talking about?

You sighed in relief when you finally heard the bell go off, the two girls obviously upset that they couldn't stay longer.

"Aw.. we gotta go to class already?" one of them said. "Well.. okay... see you later, Kageyamaa!"

"Yeah, see you!~"

Kageyama seemed a bit burned out from the (what seemed like) endless chatting of the two girls and couldn't seem to get back in a better mood. You would be annoyed too if people tried to talk to you during your usual naptime, right?

Kageyama liked taking short 10-20 minute naps before classes when he had the chance, and right before homeroom was the prime time to do so. Almost everyone knew that. Except some people.

You didn't like seeing Kageyama so tired. He must have stayed late at the practice game the night before. You started to pay less and less attention to what the teacher was saying as you tried to come up with a quick and discreet way to cheer Kageyama up.

Well, what does he like? Volleyball, obviously...Pork curry with a soft-boiled egg on top...Ah! I got it!

After the short half-hour homeroom finished, you wasted no time and ran to the vending machines with your handwritten note. Before 1st period, Kageyama always came by the vending machines to purchase his favorite drink: milk.

You jumped when you heard footsteps approaching from afar. Ok, this should be good! You quickly got up and ran around the corner to your locker, a bit worried to see his reaction for some reason. But as long as it made Kageyama's day a bit better, then it would be perfect.

After getting his usual flavor of milk, Kageyama was confused to see not one, but two milk cartons sitting in the dispenser of the vending machine.

"T.. Two? Huh..." He muttered to himself. "Not complaining though.. hm? What's this paper on it..?"

Kageyama took out the second milk carton and read the note:

'hi, kageyama!

those girls in homeroom seemed to be annoying you more than usual today-- i'm sorry about that. you also seemed a bit tired, so i bought you an extra milk carton to make your day (hopefully) a bit better.

enjoy! :)'

Kageyama blinked in confusion, then reread the note. Then he read it again.

Someone bought milk.. just for me? Who?

No one's ever done something like this for me before..

The boy tried not to think too much about the situation, as he was still a bit sleepy because of getting home late from the practice game the day before. He took the two milk cartons, stuffed the note in his pocket, and went about his day with a lighter expression.



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