-chapter 2: volleyball visits-

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It wasn't always possible for you to go to Kageyama's volleyball practices.

As much as you would love to watch Kageyama do his perfect sets, powerful serves, and incredible strategizing for hours on end, you had grades to maintain... And your parents certainly wouldn't be happy if you spent all your time watching high school boys play volleyball.

But whenever you did get to watch Kageyama and his teammates practice, you always enjoyed seeing them play.

A few others also came to the team's practice at times, but it was usually never more than three or so people. You liked when there were less people anyway, and the guys probably wouldn't be able to focus with many.

You often did some homework or listened to music when you watched them, or sometimes, you would just focus all of your attention on the guys. Although, there was always a certain someone who always seemed to catch your eye the most...

On one refreshing afternoon, you walked to the Karasuno Gym in hopes to try and finally complete the math homework that you had been avoiding for the past 2 days. As you reached the large metal door and poked your head inside, you almost immediately heard a sweet "Oh! It's Y/n!" come from your left.

You didn't have to look over to know that Yachi was the one who had warmly welcomed you, as she always did. Kiyoko, who was right next to her, nodded at you kindly as a greeting.

"Hey Yachi, Kiyoko!" You replied with a wave. "I've just come to hang out and do homework, I won't be in your way, I promise!"

"Of course," Kiyoko said. You smiled at them one last time before you quickly made your way up to the upper area of the gym, completely out of the way of the team, who would be arriving very soon for practice.

"Hm, looks like it's only me today," you thought out loud when you got to the top, sitting in your usual spot.

After settling down, you took out your phone and selected your favorite playlist for homework. Ok, let's get this dumb math worksheet out of the way already, you said to yourself as you picked up your pencil.

You got as far as two problems in before a slight commotion arose from the gym. You looked down through the railings to see the boys' volleyball team entering. Hinata and Kageyama were at the front, both seeming to be out of breath.

Those dummies probably raced each other here from the club room... You giggled at the thought.

After a thorough warmup, serving drills took place. You mainly enjoyed watching everyone practice because after weeks and weeks of occasionally showing up to watch, you started to see some real progress with some of the boys! Yamaguchi's float serve still had room for improvement, but they were slowly starting to become more accurate and precise. Serving definitely wasn't one of Hinata's strong points, but at least he was starting to get more of them in. Everyone was getting better and better, and you couldn't wait to see how their future games were going to be.

Suddenly, it was Kageyama's turn to practice a serve. You snapped out of your thoughts and watched as he effortlessly threw the ball into the air as he had done hundreds of times before. Even from all the way over in the upper part of the gym, you could immediately see his deep blue eyes beginning to calculate the best way to hit the volleyball as he took a few short steps. After leaping into the air, he pulled his right arm back, using the short time he had to adjust his hand to make perfect contact with the ball. With one swift and sharp motion, he hit the volleyball midair directly to the water bottle set up on the other side of the net, his body curving into a "c" shape in the process. You felt your heart melt as his lips curved into a triumphant grin, the empty bottle bouncing noisily against the wooden planks.

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