-chapter 3: quiz help-

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An English quiz wasn't exactly your favorite way to start a Thursday morning.

But, being the student that you were, you had to suck it up and just get it over with, just like all the other kids in the class.

Ok, doesn't look too bad... we were just reviewing this stuff a couple days ago in class. It's just a matter of remembering it... You thought to yourself, sighing quietly as you stared at the paper in front of you. But still, screw quizzes. We could be doing some easy-peasy worksheet right now.. the perfect time to zone out ..Shoot, there I go again, talking to myself in my head-! Just finish the damn quiz already, Y/n!

You mentally slapped yourself on your forehead in an attempt to regain your concentration.

...Whew, this is a little more difficult than I thought it would be.. I'm stuck on #8.

But after a few more minutes of pondering, you decided that choice "A" would be the best answer. You quickly finished the last 2 questions, finishing the 10-question quiz with 3 minutes to spare. Earlier than usual, at least.

After finishing, you allowed yourself to look away from the test, your brain automatically transitioning into "zone-out" mode. The large window to your left caught your attention; the rising sun painting the classroom in a golden glow, as it did every morning.

Your eyes subconsciously followed the sun's bright patterns across the floor, leading you to look at someone's legs, then their chest, up to their head. You perked up a bit when you found yourself staring...directly at Kageyama.

Ack! You felt your face get warm as you shook your head. I can't let Kageyama catch me staring at him, he has a quiz to.. finish... hm?

By sneaking a quick glance at him, you could clearly see confusion written all over Kageyama's face. You worried for a moment before remembering:

Ohhhh, right... English is one of Kageyama's worst subjects. And this quiz isn't all that easy either... he seems like he's having a hard time.

You strained your eyes to try and see what he was struggling with and saw his pencil hovering over #8.

Ah, the same one I hesitated on. After thinking about it, though, it'll be clear that "A" is the right choice. But there's only 2 minutes left... Oh!

On a small, ripped-out piece of notebook paper, you quickly wrote it down.

Taking a deep breath, you "accidentally" dropped your mechanical pencil off of your desk, clattering on the floor noisily. Conveniently, the pencil happened to land near Kageyama's desk.

Right before bending down to pick up the pencil, you discreetly dropped the slip of paper on his desk, hoping that he would notice. Immediately after, you sat back down at your desk, your heart thumping.

Oh god, I hope he doesn't think this is dumb or anything.. ack, why can't I just mind my own business-?

You gulped as you watched Kageyama opening the paper, looking up quickly to make sure the teacher wasn't watching.

Eh? What's this? Kageyama opened the paper that Y/n had dropped on his desk.

'#8 is "A". it's pretty tricky, right? had to think about that for a minute.. c'mon, you don't have much time left!'

They.. gave me the answer for the question I didn't understand!

After filling in the rest of the answers, Kageyama looked over at you with a slightly surprised expression, but- to your surprise- a grateful grin came across his face.

Your heart lit up at the sight of his expression. It practically soared when, a moment later, he mouthed a "thank you".

It was not every day that Kageyama smiled and thanked someone.

Trying to not combust on the spot, you managed to give a smile and a wave back that said "it's nothing".

Yeah, English class might not be so bad.



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