-chapter 5: with him-

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"H-Hey. I..I know we haven't known each other for long, but I have something to tell you," Kageyama muttered. "I-I won't take up much of your time, I promise... lunch is about to end, anyway."

You were unsure of what Kageyama, of all people, would be asking you. So bashfully, too? This was unlike him.

"Sure, go ahead!" You grinned, hoping to make him a bit more comfortable. Kageyama stiffened, his eyes avoiding yours.

Tobio! Just say it, you dumbass! Kageyama thought to himself, having trouble spitting out what he wanted to say.

...No going back now.

"I...I like you!"


Your brain seemed to shut down. The thoughts racing through your head were merely broken sentences, your mind unable to even process the words that had just come out of Kageyama's mouth.

"I...Wa-Wait..." You stuttered, struggling to form even a simple sentence. Is this a prank? Kageyama noticed your puzzled state and immediately turned around, his face a blushing mess.

"You're probably pretty confused because we barely even talked or communicated but.. I guess that would make us both. I'm not even sure how this happened myself, to be honest.."

After a moment of silence, he spoke again. "Oh, forget it!" The boy spat in embarrassment. Although, as much as he wanted to forget this ever happened, he didn't know your answer, and the boy didn't want to be stuck wondering your response for the rest of his life. "...If you l-like me.. After school! Come to the front, before I have practice. I-If you feel the same way... be there!"

And with that, Kageyama quickly walked off, praying that no one had heard or seen his mess of a confession.

What just happened...?! You thought, frozen in place even after he had left.

You replayed the situation in your head countless times for the rest of the day, slowly beginning to comprehend what had actually happened.

So you're telling me... you asked yourself, Tobio Kageyama, my crush, asked ME out? This person who has only talked to him directly on two different occasions?!

You felt your heart soar every time you thought about that, hiding your warm face in your hands during class.

During your last class period, you began mentally preparing for what you would say to him. ...Jeez, I don't think I've been this nervous since the last time I had to present in class! You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your racing heart.

Okay, it'll be alright. It's not like I'm gonna have trouble answering or anything. You glanced at the clock on the wall of your final period classroom. 15 minutes till I'm out. Just hang on, Kageyama.

You tapped your fingers against the desk impatiently. Damn it, could time move any slower today?! I swear, it feels like today lasted 4 year-

Your head immediately shot up at the sound of the bell. You grabbed all of your stuff and practically flew out of the classroom. Your heartbeat seemed to quicken with every step towards the front door. Here we go! I'm coming, Kageyama-!

"Sasha!!" You heard a stern voice behind you, stopping in your tracks. You tried to locate where the mention of your name had come from. "No running in the halls! How many times have I told you?!"

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