-chapter 8: his jacket-

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"Hey Kageyama! Pretty chilly today, isn't it?"

The ravenette turned his head to look at you and gave a small wave as a greeting. He made room for you to sit and put down your lunchbox, which earned him a thankful grin from you.

When you left your home that morning, you didn't expect any upcoming cold weather. But forgetting to check the weather forecast before leaving in a rush was starting to make you regret going to school without some form of a sweater, leaving you in only the Karasuno school uniform, consisting of either a skirt or long pants (the school let you choose which one you were more comfortable with), a white polo shirt, and an optional red bow that went with the skirt.

Due to the unpleasant weather, the volleyball team unanimously decided to not eat outside for lunch that day, which you had no complaints about. Being inside for the whole day was something you definitely didn't mind. But, unfortunately, the grey sky and wind didn't stop your physical education teacher from having class outside. No matter how many complaints were expressed, your classmates' efforts to try to have an indoor class period couldn't do anything to change that. So while almost everyone had a hoodie on top of their gym uniform, you dealt with the cold for the whole class period.

You sat down next to Kageyama on the bench, getting out some of your food. You would have preferred to eat inside, but all of your usual lunch spots were taken, and if you were being honest, you didn't want to eat with the usual people in your class. As nice as they were, you would much rather spend lunch outside with Kageyama... even if it wasn't exactly the most pleasant weather to be out in.

And, physical education being right before lunch, you couldn't say you were excited about spending even more time in the cold weather.

"Not practicing with Hinata today?" You asked between bites, breaking the short period of silence between the two of you.

"Nah. He had some test to retake," Kageyama replied. "And plus, even if we did want to practice, the wind would probably make passing the ball back and forth pretty tough."

"Ah, I see! That makes sense."

After some time spent eating together, Kageyama began to notice goosebumps forming on your legs and small shivers coming from your body. He also took notice of how you tried to keep your limbs close to each other, and how you kept rubbing your arms.

Oh, crap. Are they cold? He wondered. I have a jacket on, so I'm not, but I should have noticed sooner! They don't even have a hoodie or anything. Maybe we should go inside...

"Hey, dumbass! Isn't it common sense to carry a sweater when it's cold like today?" Kageyama asked, not exactly expecting an answer.

His sudden exclamation caught you off guard, and you weren't sure how to respond. "I.. I didn't know it would be cold today! I forgot to check the weather before I left..."

"Yeah, yeah..." Kageyama muttered. You stared in confusion as he put his snack down and began unzipping his jacket, slipping it off his arms before taking it off completely.

You inspected his navy jacket as he took it off. It had light blue sleeves, white accents and a thick hood. It looks so comfortable... You thought.

You let your imagination run a bit wild for a moment as you imagined how you would feel with it on. His unique scent enveloping you... the perfect amount of warmth covering your upper body... the slightly oversized jacket somehow feeling like the perfect fit...

"Wha... What are you doing?" You mumbled, remembering that Kageyama was still sitting next to you. Your face got a bit warm as you shooed away your fantasies. "Won't you be cold without that on?"

"Me? No, volleyball training has made my body used to all different kinds of temperatures, so I'll be fine. But uh... here."

Your eyes widened a bit as he held out his jacket to you.

"Your jacket... wait. For me?" You made eye contact with Kageyama, not really convinced when he nodded 'yes'.

Isn't this what I was just dreaming about? You shouted in your own head. What did I do to deserve this man's jacket? I must be a saint or something! Thank you, Go-

"Do ya want it or not?"

"Ha! Well, don't mind if I do," You said, taking it out of his hands gently. "Thank you, kind sir."

You slid the jacket on, and it was as if your fantasy had just come true. To say the least, it was... perfect.

"..Sorry if it's a little big."

"No worries! It's not your fault you're practically a giant, anyway."

"Oh, shut up," Kageyama grinned.

"Seriously though, thanks. I love it." You smiled, the happiness you felt being expressed on your face.

"Huh-?!" A blush formed on his face as he turned away. "Don't worry about it!"

You laughed, playfully shoving him. "Man, you really are a softie sometimes."

"I am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not."


You both perked up as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of the afternoon classes.

After quickly packing up your things, you stood up and gave him a kind smile.

"Well, see ya, Kageyama! Stay warm."

"See ya. Oh, and Y/n!"

You turned back around to face him before leaving to go to put away your things.

"..If you're ever cold, you should say something, ya know."

You've had his jacket ever since.



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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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