-chapter 6: getting settled-

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You went home that day happier than ever before. You felt like the luckiest person on Earth, being able to date Kageyama. You knew that you weren't the only one who liked him, but you sure were the only one who got to have him.

You grinned as you glanced at your phone. Looking at your contacts list reminded you of what had taken place just a few minutes ago..

"Hey, Y/n."

"Hm?" You met Kageyama's eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"Could I... have your phone number..?" He broke eye contact, his bashful expression still visible to you.

"Sure! Only if I can have yours, though."

The two of you exchanged phones, putting your numbers in the other's devices. You grinned, his name now showing on the screen of your phone.

"Cool, now we can talk during other times than just at school!" You exclaimed happily. "That's way more convenient, huh?"

"Yeah, it is. Well, see you tomorrow, Y/n. I'll text you later, okay?"


You pulled yourself back to the future as the replay of the short interaction ended. You noticed that you were nearing your house, letting yourself get lost in your thoughts for a little longer. 

Although you were obviously ecstatic about dating Kageyama, doubts still found their way to your brain. What if we break up one day? What if I'm not the right one for him? Would he ever cheat?

But, thankfully, you were able to shut down these thoughts. You knew that Kageyama was not the kind of guy to hop from person to person. And plus, if he had so much trouble asking you out in the first place, then that would just be a waste of time to him. And he didn't seem like the type to want to waste time with relationships and feelings anyway, so initiating a relationship must have been important to him.

Ugh, I need to stop with those stupid 'what if's'. Right now, I need to be happy that I'm with him at all. You took a deep breath and smiled to yourself. I trust him, and I'm sure he'll come to trust me too.

There was also something you wanted to-you could say-accomplish during the time you would be spending with Kageyama. Many people viewed him as a selfish and cold king, the personality he had shown to his teammates back in middle school. You wanted to show people that he was so much more. He deserved to be given another chance at expressing who he actually was. Karasuno shaped him into a completely new version of himself that you thought should be displayed instead of the old one.

You wanted people to see that, underneath his cold exterior, Kageyama was really just a sweet guy who loved volleyball and wasn't that good at interacting with people.

You tucked away your thoughts as you opened to the door to your home, saying a quick greeting if anyone was around to hear it.

Now... I've got a meeting to attend.

"Are you for real?!"

You laughed nervously at Yachi's shocked tone, hoping that no one had heard the outburst.

"Yachiii! My parents might be home, and I can hear you perfectly well over the phone y'know!..." You responded. "But... yeah. I can hardly believe it either.."

You stretched out your legs on your bed, occasionally giggling at Yachi's endless string of questions and remarks. For someone who usually seemed shy and quiet, she sure could talk when she was excited. Regardless, though, if you were going to tell anyone about your relationship with Kageyama, it would have to be her. So, here you were.

"Man, I guess it was kind of lucky that I missed lunch with you today, huh?" Yachi chirped. Her enthusiasm was genuine, even over the phone. "If not, Kageyama might've never gotten the chance to confess!"

"Huh, you're right! Thanks, Yachi!" You replied, jokingly. "Oh, and Kageyama even invited me to eat with you guys sometimes... the volleyball team I mean. I hope it'll be okay."

"Sure, sounds good to me. Can't wait!" she said. "I'm sure all the guys would love to have another person around..."

After getting sidetracked, the two of you talking for another half an hour, you heard one of your parents call you for dinner. You told Yachi that you had to go, wrapping up your conversation.

"Oh, and Yachi..." you said quickly, "you're the only person that knows, though, so try and keep it a secret from the team for now, okay?"

"You and Kageyama? Got it. You can count on me, Y/n!"

After dinner, you got comfy in your room before scrolling on your phone a bit. You weren't expecting any notifications from anyone but you broke out of your scrolling daze when Kageyama's name popped up at the top of your screen. You clicked on the message, curious as to what he had texted you.

kags <3:

10:39: Good night

10:40: Make sure not to go to bed too late, yeah?

You looked over the texts a few times, the corners of your mouth slowly turning upwards into a small smile as you read. It might not have seemed like much to anyone else, but being checked up on made your heart warm with happiness. Anyone choosing to say anything kind or caring at all to you never went unnoticed, especially Kageyama.


10:44: 'Night, kags

10:46: U make sure to get a lot of sleep too for that volleyball-playing body of yours

kags <3:

10:48: Oh, don't worry

10:49: Daichi would probably murder anyone who showed up sleepy to practice anyway

10:49: And I choose life


10:50: AHHAJAHA- Well then, looks like you're all taken care of.. Sleep tight :)

kags <3:

10:52: You too Y/n

Deciding to end the night on a good note, you switched off your phone and buried yourself in the blankets with only Kageyama on your mind. You let his texts linger in your brain, the calming atmosphere of your room eventually lulling you into a deep sleep.



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