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Once Aliza was asleep Stokeley slowly slid out of her bed and made his way out of her dorm

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Once Aliza was asleep Stokeley slowly slid out of her bed and made his way out of her dorm. He decided to go down to the 7/11 which was only a block away to get cigarettes. Stokeley considered himself a bit of a night owl so falling asleep was hard for him especially if he wasn't in his own bed. Although it was going on 2:30 in the morning Stokeley was still wide awake. He pecked Aliza on the lips softly making sure not to wake her up. She looked so pretty and peaceful when she was asleep he thought. He snuck out of her dorm making sure to lock the door behind him. The walk to the store didn't take a long time so before he knew it he was already there. He went straight up to the counter and asked the clerk for a pack of newports. He quickly grabbed a fruit punch Arizona can from a cooler and put it on the counter as well to be scanned. Once he had everything he made his way out of the store. 

"Damn the stars look beautiful tonight, I wish Aliza could see," he said taking a cigarette out of the pack and placing it between his lips. As he was patting his pockets for his lighter he heard someone call out to him. Stokeley turned around just as he found his lighter in his back pocket. He saw that it was Jordan and two other friends of his. 

'Oh damn not this shit again,' he thought to himself.

"Ayo whatchu think you doing pussy," Jordan said making his way over to him. Stokeley could already tell where this was going so he mentally prepared himself for what could possibly pop off. 

"The fuck it look like I'm doing nigga?" he said before taking a drag of his cig and exhaling the smoke out. 

"So what was that shit you was saying at the party," Jordan said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I mean I know you aren't deaf so I'm pretty sure you heard everything I said clearly," The boy smartly responded as he flicked his cigarette on the ground and stood up straight as he stared at the taller boy in the eyes.

"Well, I just came over here to tell you that I hope you enjoy my sloppy seconds. That bitch knows how to suck a mean di-" and before he could even finish the sentence he punched Jordan square in the face. He immediately saw red and didn't let up on the punches although Jordan was on the ground. He was truly beating this man's ass and his homies didn't like the sight of that. One of them punched Stokeley in the mouth and the other also started hitting him. Stokeley was still on top of Jordan hitting him regardless of the other two hitting him left to right. One thing Stokeley can say is his momma ain't raise no bitch and this ain't the first time he's been jumped. His friends were getting some good hits in on him too and Stokeley honestly didn't know how much longer he could hold his own. Just then a familiar voice called out.

"Ayo what the fuck yall niggas thinking yall doing," Jahseh yelled as he ran over to help his friend out. Michael and Jahseh had planned to have a late night hotbox session in his car but the two realized they were all out of blunts so they decided to head to the store. But they were met by a sight they weren't expecting instead.

"We bout to beat these niggas ass," Michael said right after him. 

'Oh thank god for my vros,' Stokeley said in his head as he praised the much needed aid.

 Then he felt the other two niggas stop punching him. Stokeley got off of Jordan and he looked fucked up. He looked over and saw Jahseh had already knocked out one of the guys while Trippie and the other dude were squaring up. Jah went over to the other guy and then Trippe and Jah were tag teaming his ass. He honestly felt bad for the guy because them was two strong ass niggas. He turned his attention back towards Jordan to see him reaching into his waistband. His flight or fight reflexes kicked in and he chose to fight. Stokeley stomped on his leg hard and you could hear the crack echo throughout the parking lot. Yeah, that shit was definitely broken. Jordan screamed out in agony and reached down to grab his leg. Stokeley pushed him over and took the gun from him. 

"What the fuck does an athlete need a gun for anyway? This my shit now pussy," he said stuffing the gun into his waistband.  He then squatted down to his eye level and looked at him. Jordan was paying more attention to his leg and screaming in pain.

"If you go near Aliza again or if I hear her name come out your mouth again I won't hesitate to use yo own gun on you nigga," he said grabbing his chin and making sure he looked at him. Stokeley felt in complete control of the situation right now and he was pleased.

"Do you understand?"

All Jordan could do was shake his head in response. Stokeley wasn't pleased by that response so he put his knee on Jordan's broken leg and applied pressure.

"I need you to use yo words pussy," he said through gritted teeth.

"Okay I understand!" Jordan said screaming out pure agony.

"Good," Stokeley said letting go of his face and muffing him in the forehead.

He stood up and walked away from him. All three of them niggas were laying on the floor looking damn near half dead. 

"Pitiful," Stokeley said to himself. The three boys walked back to the dorms as they cracked jokes and talked about the fight as their adrenaline calmed down.

"You good vro? Them niggas got some good hits on you," Jah said grabbing Stokeley's face and tilting it to the side to inspect his bruises. 

"Yeah, I'm nothing some alcohol pads, bandaids, and ice packs can't fix," hesaid swatting his hand away from his face.

"You really took that nigga gun I can't believe it. That shit embarrassing as fuck," Trippie said cracking up. Stokeley couldn't help but laugh as well.


He decided to just go back to his dorm room after the whole ordeal instead of Aliza's room because he didn't want to wake her up. Once he and Jahseh got back to the room Stokeley immediately went into the bathroom to clean his wounds. He reached under the sink and pulled out the first aid. He looked into the mirror at himself to see the damage. He had a lip that was busted and dripping a bit of blood. His eyebrow also had a cut on it and he could see a dark bruise forming on his cheek. He sighed at the sight of himself. Stokeley had been trying to suppress his angry tendencies but it was extremely hard for him especially when it had something to do with someone he cared about. Jahseh came into the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

"Why the fuck were you fighting those niggas in the first place?" he said giving his friend a confused look.

"He was talking shit about Aliza," Stokeley responded while patting an alcohol pad on his face while wincing at the pain.

"You must really like her huh?"

"Yeah, I do. And I hope that nigga Jordan gets it now 'cause if he doesn't I'd just have to kill him," he said placing a bandaid over his eyebrow cut.

"Nigga you better be happy campus security didn't come and pray that nigga Jordan don't snitch on you or you're fucked my guy"

"I doubt he will," he said shrugging it off. Stokeley honestly could care less.

"Alright nigga and do me a favor please," Jahseh said standing up and patting him on the back.

"Mmm," the bruised boy responded while trying to concentrate on his lip now.

"Don't get into no more fights. I'm tired of having to knock niggas out tahaha," Jah said laughing while leaving out the bathroom.

"No promises vro," Stokely said laughing with him.

This is a nice lul short one. But I can assure you guys the next one will be juicy and long. It feels good to be writing again and I have hella inspiration now. :)

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