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"I know this nigga didn't just-"

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"I know this nigga didn't just-"

Knock Knock Knock

Stokeley said to himself before knocking on the door that had just been closed in his face. Aliza and him were supposed to hang out and he knew that there would be a chance Jordan would be there. But Stokeley didn't care. The door was swung open again by Jordan. He had an annoyed look on his face.

"Man what," Jordan said sighing.

"Aliza here?" Stokeley said looking back at Jordan with intense eyes. Jordan scoffed while looking at Stokeley.

"The fuck you want with my girl?" the tall boy said straightening his posture looking at the dark-skinned boy with a side eye. Just when Stokeley was about to say something smart back to Jordan Aliza came into view.

"Oh hi Stokeley," she said softly pushing her boyfriend out of the way and standing in front of him.

"Hey Aliza I'm here so we can-"

"Work on our project for art appreciation?" she said cutting Stokeley off. If Jordan found out she was trying to hang out with another guy for fun it wouldn't end too well for her. Stokeley was confused but decided to play along anyway.

"Yeah, we were supposed to meet at the library remember? You didn't show so I decided to pay you a visit" he said smirking.

"Oh my bad I totally lost track of time," Aliza said smacking her hand on her forehead.

"Wait hol up how the fuck yall got a project already? It's only the first day of class," Jordan said scrunching his eyebrows and trying to piece together the whole situation.

"Well it's actually due in like three weeks but it's a huge project and worth a lot of points so we decided to get a head start on it," she said looking from her Jordan back to Stokeley.

"Look are you coming to help me or not?" Stokeley said getting tired of this whole conversation already.

"Yeah let me get my bag," Aliza said brushing past Jordan to get her backpack. Jordan just stood at the door sizing Stokeley up as he did the same. I could beat his ass if I wanted to Stokeley thought to himself. Aliza came back into view with her backpack smiling at the two boys trying to lighten the mood.

"I'll talk to you later baby," Aliza said getting ready to walk out of the room but Jordan grabbed her arm and pulled her back. He pulled her into a kiss. The two shared a heated kiss and Jordan gripped Aliza's ass. Stokeley cringed and turned the other way. Even though he wouldn't admit it he was jealous. The kiss lasted for a few more seconds before Stokeley heard Jordan whisper or at least attempt to whisper something to Aliza.

"You bet not be trying no stupid shit," he said in a low voice.

"I'm not," Aliza whined before pushing Jordan back into her dorm and closing the door.

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