Chapter 40

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On the road to Portsmouth, Oxfordshire

Guy of Gisborne couldn't concentrate. The Sheriff's incessant chattering washed over him, yet he had no idea what Vaisey was saying as his mind was immersed in thoughts of Alice. To be so close to her yet so far away was killing him, one moment at a time, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could stay away. But he had to, for Alice's sake and his own.
Guy passed a weary hand over his face and stared out of the carriage at the passing countryside. It was true: he often lost his mind as well as his heart when it came to love, but Alice was the first woman who understood that, and who met him halfway. She felt the same way about him - of this, he was certain. But he felt like he had let her down. It was his fault that the Sheriff had locked her away. If only he had never become so embroiled in Vaisey and Prince John's plans. But he had been blinded by greed.
Gisborne hated himself for the way he had acted over the past few years. The things he had done; the people he had hurt. He had allowed himself to be controlled and manipulated by the Sheriff for far too long, and it was time to break away for good. But how could he extricate himself without causing anybody any harm? Alice's life hung in the balance, unless Guy did as the Sheriff requested and killed King Richard. But he didn't want to kill King Richard. Yes, there had been a time, in the past, when he had made an attempt on Lionheart's life, but he was a different person back then. He had changed. He wanted to change. But Vaisey stood resolutely in his way.
Gisborne couldn't prevent a sigh escaping his lips, and Vaisey, Bridlington, and Bridlington's little lapdog, Auden, looked at him.
"Are we boring you, Gisborne, hmm?" the Sheriff said, tartly.
"He probably wishes he was in the carriage behind, riding his little woman," Bridlington mocked, and Auden laughed.
"At least I don't have to force her, Bridlington," Gisborne snapped, glaring at the blond man.
Vaisey grinned. "Good one, Gisborne. You do have a perverted obsession with taking women against their consent, don't you, Bridlington?"
His tone held scorn, and Gisborne couldn't help but feel a touch of respect. Despite his numerous shortcomings, the Sheriff was oddly unforthcoming when it came to matters of a sexual disposition, and made no secret of his distaste for those who chose to rape. In fact, he often carried an almost sexless aura about him, as if he had no feelings of that nature, or they were so deeply deviant or traumatic that he kept them well-hidden. Yet his sense of humour could be misleading.
Gisborne had never seen or heard of Vaisey with a woman in the five years he had known him, which had struck him as odd on a number of occasions. Yet he wasn't reticent in talking about women, even objectifying them at times. But, when it came to the sexual act, he either had immense self-control, or no desire whatsoever.
At least Guy knew that Alice was safe with the Sheriff in that respect. He wouldn't think twice about hanging her, though.
Bridlington shrugged, unconcerned about his growing reputation as a beast. "What can I say? I like it when they fight."
Vaisey caught Guy's eye and curled his lip in disgust, casting his eyes at Bridlington. Gisborne had to remind himself of his current circumstances. It would do him no good to be dragged back into Vaisey's treasonous schemes. But it would do him no harm to at least get the man onside.
"Delightful, Bridlington," he said, spitefully. "No wonder Lady Roana chose an outlaw over you."
Vaisey chuckled. "Very true. But she was part of the plan to steal the black knight's silver, so maybe we won't mention that too much."
The carriage began to slow down and the Sheriff craned his neck to glance out.
"Looks like we've reached our overnight stay," he commented, idly, his eyes turning to Guy. "What do you think, Gisborne? We stay here, or we continue on our way?"
Gisborne was struck speechless. Of course they needed to stay the night to allow Robin and the gang to catch up. But he couldn't very well tell the Sheriff that.
"Don't we have rooms booked, my lord?" He tried to keep his tone neutral, while inside he was panicking.
The Sheriff shrugged, nonchalantly, as the carriage came to a stop and a guard opened the door. "Too bad. I'll throw some coins their way to appease the disgruntled locals. Ah, Caldwell," he addressed the guard. "Inform the landlord that we won't be staying after all. We will stop here for a break and then continue to Portsmouth. Understood?"
"Yes, my lord." The young guard nodded obediently and disappeared.
Gisborne stared at Vaisey in alarm. The Sheriff caught his eye.
"Problem, Gizzy?"
Gisborne shook his head, quickly, and lowered his eyes. The Sheriff suspected something. Guy had sensed it back at the castle, but this cemented the fact.
"No, my lord. Not at all," he replied, his voice distant as his mind raced, attempting to find a solution.
His only hope lay with Robin, and the strength of his determination to rescue Marian and Roana.

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