Chapter 8: The Ending

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"Kokichi!" The detective shouted as he threw his arms over the smaller boy. Maki on the other hand swung open the door and ran over to Kaito.
"What the hell is going on here? I demand an answer immediately!" Maki snapped as her ruby eyes glowed with rage. Kokichi shifted in Shuichi's arms.
"Neshishi~ You were eavesdropping on us? How rude! Don't you have any respect for mens privacy?" Kokichi said slyly.
"Don't mess with me, Kokichi!" The girl grinded her teeth, Shuichi squeezed Kokichi to get him to stop.
"Whatever.. It's none of your concern as to what we're doing."
"Yes it most certainly is. Come on and say it already!"
"M-Maki please calm down.."
"Hey! Don't tell Maki-Roll to calm down! The twerp is trying to kill himself in order to end the killing game!" Kaito boomed as he placed his hand on Maki's shoulder. Shuichi blinked in disbelief.. Kill himself..?  Kokichi's eyes widened as the truth had now been revealed. This was Kokichi's master plan to let everyone out of this place.
"Heyyy.. No fair.. I wanted to keep the suspense built up.." Kokichi sniffled before becoming serious once more. "Yeah, my big plan was to make a murder so confusing Monokuma wouldn't even know who did it.. Now it's ruined.." The Leader rested his head on Shuichi's shoulder.
"Why would you even consider that.." Shuichi said quietly as tears slowly dripped down his cheek.
"Huh? None of you would've cared anyways. I'm just the annoying prick that nobody likes so why consider living anymore?"
"Please stop it.. Kokichi.. I care about you.. I've been worried sick about you ever since you pushed me away.. You can't leave.. You can't leave like her..:" Shuichi looked into Kokichi's violet eyes, his face getting hot from the emotion.
"Sheesh.. I thought you would've been over it by now.." Kokichi murmured before pressing himself against Shuichi. "But it's too late for that.. My body has already been affected by the poison.." Kokichi gave a faint mischievous grin. Shuichi's heart pounded.
"P-Poison..?" Shuichi stammered as his body quivered. "Kokichi.."
"Don't Kokichi me.. I will find a way out of here.. I will free you guys.. After all, I'm the mastermind.. I own this school."
"Master...mind....." Shuichi repeated.
"Yup~ You can stop searching now.. You won't even have to kill me! I can already feel my organs falling apa-"
"KOKICHI PLEASE STOP!" Shuichi shouted. Everyone in the room stiffened. "Please.. Stop.. Don't say that.. I know you're a good guy Kokichi.. I know you would never put us in this situation... I know you're just as scared as the rest of us.." Shuichi ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "I know that you don't like to hear that but it's true.. I know you're innocent.. I promise we will get out of this together.. Just hang in there.. Please.." Shuichi sighed and let go of Kokichi.
"I... Shuichi..." Kokichi placed his hand on his cheek, wiping off the tears that had stained his face. "I will try.. And I will help you find the mastermind.. I will help you as much as I can.. I just don't know how much longer I can last.." Shuichi mustered up the best smile he could get.
"I will help you guys as well!" Kaito announced proudly. "But it's only because Shuichi is my best man!" Kaito glanced over at Maki who had been quietly thinking to herself.
"I suppose I will join in as well.."

"I'm getting bored.. Let's do something a little more interesting!" Kokichi whimpered.
"No Kokichi.. We have to do this.." Shuichi said even though he was getting tired himself.
"Why can't we have a class trial already?"
"No one has died yet and that's what we're trying to prevent. So let's try and catch the mastermind!" Shuichi said determinedly.
"You know that's what got Rantaro and Kaede killed right? Sticking around here and waiting for something to happen is totally-" The sound of clanking cut Kokichi off and he  quickly went quiet. "What was that?" The purple haired boy whispered. Shuichi crouched and peered out into the hallway. The clanking continued except this time it sounded more consistent.

Clank... Clank... Clank

"You don't think that could be.."

Clank... Clank...

Suddenly the noise stopped. Some tapping was heard and finally silence. The two looked at each other before dashing out of the run down classroom and out into the hallway. There ,resting in the hallway, was a horrendice mess... The body of their classmate, Kiibo The Ultimate Robot. Shuichi felt his stomach turn. He felt a great urge to vomit but instead let out of scream.
"Yikes.. Looks like someone had a little too much fun.." Kokichi murmured as he knelt down to study the body. The student was pressed against the wall , a shocked and terrified expression plastered on his face. Bright neon liquid continued to drip down Kiibo's corpse. "Looks like battery acid.. Wait but he's a robot! How could you pierce through such hard metal! That person must have been super duper strong!" Kokichi stood back up and looked over at Shuichi. His eyes were wide and his skin was morbidly pale.
"N-No.. We could have saved him.." Shuichi stammered.
"We could have saved everyone, Saihara-Chan.. It simply just doesn't work like that." Kokichi patted Shuichi's back. "We have more important things to do." Shuichi wiped the tears off his face and with a deep breath he put on a determined look.
"Right.. I'll go get the others.. You keep watch in case the murderer comes back." They both agreed and Shuichi headed off.
"I won't let you get away with this.."

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