Chapter 1: Riddle Me This, Shuichi

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'There it was. The body of one of our former classmate, Ryoma Hoshi. His body was torn to shreds by the piranhas in the tank.'
Shuichi stumbled back, feeling vomit pile in his throat. The room was silent, no one dared speak up. That was until the familiar giggle of the purple haired boy rose.
"Man! I knew you guys were twisted but not this twisted! Killing off Ryoma and all because he WANTED to die? How cruel!" Kokichi cracked up but no one even seemed to care.
"Kokichi.. Now's not the time.." Shuichi squeezed out of his throat, holding back a waterfall of tears. Kokichi scrunched his nose at the response, clearly annoyed. He looked around at everyone before quickly crossing his arms.
"Poor Ryoma.. WAAAAAAHAAHAAA!! I LOVED HIM SO MUCH! WHICH ONE OF YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND?!" Kokichi's mood quickly changed as he started pointing his finger at the other students.
"Kokichi, I said to stop. Now's not the time for one of your sick jokes.." Shuichi put on a stern expression causing Kokichi to wipe away his fake tears.
"You're right Sihara-Chan.. I WILL AVENGE YOU RYOMAAAA!" Kokichi shouted as he stomped away leaving the room dead silent again.
"I'll be back.." Shuichi muttered as he stormed off after Kokichi.

"Hey! Kokichi! Wait up!" Shuichi called as he was basically running after the smaller male.
"Nehehe! Catch me if you can, Shuichi!" Kokichi giggled as he sprinted through the pathway. After a bit, Shuichi slowed down having to catch his breath. Kokichi slowly turned to face him before walking back over to him.
"Aww.. Giving up on me already? Well, you did put up a good chase. I'll give you that." Kokichi patted Shuichi's head to show his approval.
"Why did you run away like that? We all have to investigate this together!" Shuichi said as he dusted himself off.
"But I couldn't bear to see my deerest friend, Ryoma, like that! I know I'm a liar but have some sympathy for me!" Kokichi's purple eyes began to get glossy with tears, they soon started to drip from his pale face and dripped onto the ground.
Shuichi's eyes widened but was conflicted if Kokichi was still just messing with him or not.
"H-Hey! Don't cry! I didn't mean it like that!" Shuichi desperately tried to cheer Kokichi up but the tears just kept coming.
"YOU'RE SUCH A JERK SHUICHI! I LOST MY BEST FRIEND AND HERE YOU ARE TELLING ME TO GET OVER IT? Well I suppose that is fair.." Kokichi wiped his tears away before seemingly acting like nothing happened. Shuichi's eyes widened before squinting again.
"W-Were you just..?"
"Lying? You sure are a smart guy, Shuichi. I appreciate your sympathy but I wouldn't think a messily detective would understand the complex emotions of a Supreme Leader." Kokichi snickered  as he slowly started to turn away from the taller blue haired boy.
"I will never really understand you.. Will I?" Shuichi mumbled as he locked eyes with Kokichi's.
"Nehehe.. No. Not unless you give up chasing me, you will never know me, Shuichi.No matter how desperately you want me to grab your hand I'll always slap it away. Not unless you pry me until I break." Kokichi's tone was different than usual.. Almost intimidating. Not playful, angry or sad. Just pure evil reeked from the boy as he started skipping away.
'Never..? We'll just see about that..'

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